Not that Ethan has much fashion sense anyway. *sigh* Spent the past three days staring out the windows by my computer, waiting for a delivery truck to come by. Monday through Wednesday was the given delivery window for Book 2. Now that it has eclipsed, I will have to begin inquiring into things to see where the hell my stuff is! I neeeeed it. Comic-Con is next week...
Hey, remember that hilarious guy who emailed me to say
I love fat chicks? I've had a few more "conversations" with him, and they are all additionally hilarious. I must share.
The late response to our last tussle:
RE: Why do you draw your women fat? It's terrible, your art is terrible.
The girl that I was referring to is Spoiler. You drew fatter than a fat person. She's an agile super heroine and you draw her like she spends all her time eating peanut butter. What the fuck is wrong with you?
And then suddenly this morning:
I demand you give me credit for your shitty storyline
Hey fuckface,
If I never made you realise that you draw chicks fat, since you love fatties, you wouldn't have done this stupid storyline. Fatty McFatso gets a new haircut, glasses and some sleeves on her fat clothes and all of a sudden the normal guys love her? It'd take more than that you fucking idiot. But I deserve credit for forcing you to *try* and teach me a lesson. Also, you should stop using swears to try and get a cheap laugh.
I asked him if he's a secret fatty lover, since he writes me all the time about fatties.
RE: I demand you give me credit for your shitty storyline
Wow, what a shit way to dodge all the questions aimed at you, ya fucking ugly sack of shit. And your latest piss poor excuse for a comic was pretty fuckin shit. Nobody says "Holy Cheese" and even fewer people use the word "cheese" as a fuckin expletive. Make a better comic you cocksucker.
Some may say to me, "You are only encouraging this ridiculous fellow." To them I say of course I am. He amuses me to no end. I will goad him until there is no longer any hilarious inside him for him to excrete.
Edit: New correspondence!
Hey shitballs,
Are you some kind of idiot? Yes, you are. If somebody responds then of fucking course you respond back. Fuck what is wrong with you?
Edit: And now he's my biggest fan
Toys? Now you sound like a rapist you sick fuck. Where's my credit? Draw me something since you are suuuuuch an artist.