Dec 02, 2004 13:24
well i finally got some sleep today! how nice it was to take a friggen nap. newayz, so today at spc i met this guy theo von from the road rules on mtv. he was at my school doing some video and variety show thing, he was really awesome, and i sware hes so hillarious. i was in tears laughin so hard. i was really excited for ailene and taryn to meet him cuz they really love him, and i was even more excited for ailene to take a pic with him, cuz of the ryan cabrera mis-hap =/ but yah that was def kool. and of course seeing him makes me want to be famous even more, but u kno everything does. hopefully ill get there. i have so much to do tomorrow, i really need to get started xmas shopping and i need to get harred a bday present b4 his party. but its exciting i love shoppin for other pepople!and even more i love the holidays, i made a christmas mix cd today of all my favorite xmas songs. fun fun.