Dec 04, 2004 13:23
[.] full name: kristen wright
[.] birthdate: 07/18/86
[.] birthplace: palm harbor, florida
[.] current location: palm harbor
[.] eye color: blue
[.] hair color: blonde
[.] righty or lefty: righty
[.] zodiac sign: cancer
[.] innie or outtie: innie
[-] the clothes you wore today: to school--orange sweatshirt and jeans, to work--the friggen green vest and baggy baggy blue pants, to sleep--blue and white flower surf shorts and orange toucans mexico beach shirt
[-] the shoes you wore today: brown flip-flops, and white rikas
[-] your fears: dying, roaches, mayonaise
what is
[+] your most overused phrase: ew, oh my god, hush, allright
[+] your thoughts first waking up: are u nuts?
[+] the first feature you notice in the opposite sex: hair and teeth
[+] your best physical feature: um eyes and hair
[+] your bedtime: prolly like 2am, whenever i can squeeze it in
[+] your most missed memory: playing softball for OLL
you prefer
[*] pepsi or coke: pepsi
[*] mcdonalds or burger king: neither, but ill go with the king
[*] single or group dates: depends
[*] adidas or nike: adidas
[*] chocolate or vanilla: choco
[*] cappuccino or coffee: coffee, but i love it all
do you
[x] smoke: nope, cant say i do
[x] cuss: o man, yah a lot, but im def tryin to stop doin it so much
[x] take a shower everyday: yupp
[x] have a crush: i guess u could say that
[x] think youve been in love: actually, no
[x] want to go to college: im in college, but id love to be at a university
[x] like high school: yah, well it had its ups and downs, but i did like it for the most part
[x] want to get married: of course
[x] type with your fingers on the right keys: riiight
[x] believe in yourself: most of the time
[x] get motion sickness: actually no i dont think so
[x] think youre attractive: sometimes
[x] think youre a health freak: no, i just always read the calories on the back lol
[x] get along with your parents: duno bout that
[x] like thunderstorms: not really
[x] play an instrument: i did play the drums, i dont really remeber how to tho
in the past month did/have you
[_] go to the mall: yeah a lot actually, xmas shopping!
[_] eat sushi: yeah, at holiday fest at publix lol
[_] been on stage: um no i guess not
[_] had sex: nope
[_] been dumped: no
[_] dumped someone: no
[_] gone skating: nope, havent done that since like 7th grade
[_] made homemade cookies: aw no! i should
[_] dyed your hair : nope
[_] stolen anything: ew no way
have you ever
[!] flown on a plane: nope, cant say i have
[!] told a guy/girl that you liked them: yeah
[!] cried during a movie: a few times, that damn armagedon
[!] cried during a song: yah if i was in a wierd mood
[!] been trashed or extremely intoxicated: not "trashed" but semi-ashed
[!] gotten beaten up: no, well not in like a actualy fight, maybe a play fight
[!] been in a physical fight: playin around
el futuro
[~] age you hope to be married: 23-26
[~] numbers and names of children: i duno maybe 3?...tyler, brian, blake, dakota, marina
[~] describe your dream wedding: um a cross between a traditional church wedding and something on the beach, maybe a church thats on the beach, but u can see it out the windows, i duno, sumthin like that
[~] how do you want to die: i hate this topic, but in my sleep
[~] what do you want to do as a career: act, write movies, direct, then have a talk show
[~] what country would you most like to visit: man i duno, all those countries we learned about in western humanities lol
opposite sex
[:] best eye color: blue
[:] best hair color: blonde
[:] short or long hair: short
[:] best height: like 5'10, taller than me
[:] best weight: i duno, normal not too skinny or big, wuts that like 160 170?
[:] best date location: beach, theme park
number of
[ ] number of people I could trust with my life: hmm probably about 10
[ ] number of cds that I own: oh my gosh hundreds and hundreds
[ ] number of piercings: 1
[ ] number of tattoos: none
[ ] number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: umm a few actually
[ ] number of scars on my body: i think about 8 or sumthin, mostly from softball and elem school
[ ] number of things in my past that I regret: not to many, just stupid guy stuff
ahora mismo. (right now)
[^] wearing: i already answered this
[^] drinking: nothin
[^] thinking about: gettin up early for work, and harreds party 2morrow
[^] listening to: mandy moore
in the last 24 hours
[/] cried: nope
[/] worn jeans: yeah
[/] met someone new online: ew no, that was a middle school phase
[/] done laundry: nah
[/] drove a car: of course
[/] talked on the phone: of course, u kno me
do you believe in
[o] yourself: yeah for the most part, i answered this too
[o] your friends: yeah, of course
[o] santa claus: nah, i wish i did tho sumtimes
[o] destiny/fate: i did, guess i still do
[o] god: yeah
friends & life
[|] do you ever wish you had another name: sumtimes, but ive grown to love mine
[|] who have you known the longest of your friends: devin, wut 9 years now?
[|] are you close to any family member: nope
[|] when have you cried the most: freshman year, without a doubt
[|] what's the best feeling in the world: being happy
[|] worst feeling: feeling like you have no one to turn to
[|] what time is it now: 1:00 am