May 05, 2005 21:52
[ AP Deutsch = done ]
This morning I had fun studying for the AP by reading manga in german that my dad brought back from switzerland. It actually did end up helping me, as I caught a word on the AP that I wouldn't have known without the manga.
The german ap today went about as well as I could hope for it to go (seeing as I've had 3 real yrs. of german, and no immersion-style or intensive training). This, of course, does not mean really well. Maybe a 3 if I'm lucky. The only truly amusing horrible mistake was me blanking on one 20-second listening-then-spoken response part, where I replied to "Why were you so late (or somesuch thing)?" with roughly (in broken german) , "[zone out] [zone in] [panic] Uh.. I went home and I couldn't [forgets word for start] FIND my car. I couldn't find it because [blanks] it is VERY SMALL."
Truly a remarkable reply. Still, seeing as I am into college and decided, and a second semester senior, and these tests never really counted for anything to begin with, I think I'm ok.
After school Katie had to leave, which was too bad, but it was pretty fun hanging out with Sam and co. (leslie, katherine, aury, guido) at his house. We had tea and (truly tasty) honey-mustard pretzels.