Wow, this guy rocks. He is unafraid to voice his opinion and certain ugly truths about the state of Western/Israeli oppression of the Middle East. Now there are multiple sides and issues regarding all the conflict in the Middle East and no country is without fault, but it is good to hear an opposing view from that which is too often depicted by the likes of Fox News in the US and Sky News in Britain.
These are two of my favorite clips and I highly recommend watching the others of him on YouTube.
George Galloway Savages SKY NEWS!
Click to view
George Galloway's speech to Parliament, January 2007
Click to view
NOTE: George Galloway may not be 100% virtuous as there is indication that he has been involved in some things (none proven) that call into question is integrity. But I will definitely stand behind what he is saying. He fashions a clearer image of the kaleidoscope that is the Middle East. Here is the wiki entry on him for those interested: