Fanvid: Anything You Like (Primeval - Connor/Abby)

Dec 19, 2010 22:26

Gah, so tired. Between work and rl stuff and xmas shopping and things, so very, very tired. Also, I made a video because clearly i am not busy enough. Since Primeval is starting up again soon (so excited!! :D) I figured I ought to get around to finally making those vids I'd had ideas for >.> This one is a (mostly) fluffy Connor/Abby vid, because they are so adorable <3

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Song is "Grace Kelly" by Mika.

-this was a lot of fun to make, mostly due to the song. Though wow, it was a bit tough to get the timing right at some points, since the thing is so fast. But I do think I'm starting to get the hang of doing quicker cuts, so yay (this will be especially helpful for another one I have in mind, though I guess we'll see if that ends up happening or not >.>)
-started off as just a silly fluff piece, then I managed to find an actual storyline (go me! XD) as the lyrics actually worked pretty well with each season/series. I know that the 'trend' lately seems to be really short videos but a) I have a hard time editing songs well, since I don't really have a good program for that, and b) I kind of take it as a personal challenge to find scenes that fit with all the lyrics in the song XD So yeah. It is also kind of "The Many Faces (And Outfits) Of Connor Temple/Reasons Why He Is Awesome." Because he really, totally is <3 So much so, that I ended up having a lot of scenes that I wanted to use, but couldn't manage to fit in ^^; ah well. Still quite pleased with how it turned out.
-did I mention that these two are adorable? <3 <3 <3

videos, primeval, fandoms, vidding

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