New vid: Primeval - How Far We've Come

Jan 08, 2011 13:51

omg so tired. I wanted to get this done and posted before the new ep aired, and I just made it, but damn I was up late because of it XD But yeah, new video, yay~ Another Primeval one, which I had originally wanted to do before S4 even started, but the more I heard about what the show had in store for its new season, the more I thought it might be a good idea to wait, and I'm really glad I did (now hopefully I won't regret waiting til today's ep aired, lol). So, spoilers up to 4x02 (with one tiny, blink-and-you'll-miss-it clip from the 4x03 promo). Also, as a warning to those sensitive to this kind of thing, there are some quick/flashing cuts at the beginning & end.

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Tribute/retrospective-type vid, looking at how far the show and its characters have come over the past 4 years, both in terms of their relationships with each other, and their own personal growth. Song is Matchbox Twenty's 'How Far We've Come'.

-yikes, this took me longer than I expected it to ^^; a lot of that has to do with my own stuff, and also, work. plus, since it's such a fast-paced song in places, it was hard to get the timing for certain parts just right (and even now, there are a few areas that could probably use some improvement). Very happy that the intro worked out, tho, that was really hard to do o.o still getting used to doing quick cuts, so I'm glad that it more or less worked out XD
-I love this song, but... wow, am I really tired of listening to it now XDDD I'll need a break from it for a while, lol.
-vid ended up being a bit, uh, uneven in terms of which characters got more 'screen time', if you will, but some were there longer than others and therefore had more storylines, and some haven't been there long enough to have really changed, so... *shrug*

videos, primeval, alp, fandoms, vidding

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