Please help an author out!

May 17, 2010 13:33

Hey guys,

I once posted something like this a few years ago, but sadly it didn't help much. I'm trying again, tho, cause I love these books and don't want them to go away anytime soon:

As you may or may not know, making a living as an author is no easy feat. Even if you manage to get published, unless you're the next Stephen King or JK Rowling, you still won't be making enough to get by on the royalties alone and from what I've discovered, they're a lot less than I'd thought. Heck, even if you are the next Stephen King or JK Rowling, it won't really matter unless enough ppl are going out and buying your books. As with tv shows that don't get enough ratings, a book series can get cancelled if sales just aren't good enough. This happened once before to one of my absolute favorite authors, Karin Lowachee, and it was heartbreaking since she is amazing (and I can only imagine how hard it must've been for her). She's recently started a new series with a new publisher, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she'll continue to do well.

Another of my faves, Rob Thurman (robgoodfella), author of the awesome 'Cal Leandros' series, recently found out that the first book of her new series didn't do well enough to allow her to continue writing it (tho the 2nd book is still going to be out in September). This is a shame, as I'd enjoyed it and was looking forward to getting to know those characters better and see what she had in store for them. She has a new book, 'CHIMERA', coming out June 1st, which was originally meant to be a one-off book, but may become a series if it does well enough.

This is where you guys come in. If you're into urban fantasy, or 'Supernatural'-type stories (the tv show, not the genre), I urge you to go take a look at the excerpts she's posted on her lj. If you like what you read, please consider buying the book itself the week it comes out (June 1st- June 7th) since that's when sales will count the most. If it's not really your cup of tea but know someone else who might enjoy it, then please pass the links on to them. You can also check out the rest of her books on her website, I really can't recommend them enough!

It would be such a shame to lose yet another great author's wonderful work because not enough ppl know about it/buy it. So even if you aren't interested in the books themselves or don't have the money to buy them, just spreading the word about them would help (tho if you are interested and can afford it, buying them helps even more!)

So, that's what I have to say about that. If you've taken the time to read this, then thank you! And feel free to pass this on/link to it/etc, it would be very much appreciated :)

rl, books, help!

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