Random update pt.1 -vids

Jun 07, 2010 11:07

These have actually been up for a couple of weeks, but I never got around to posting them for various reasons (of which I don't really feel like going into >.>) Anyhoo:

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Song is "Twisted Logic" by Coldplay. Spoilers for the whole show, which unfortunately was cancelled after series 2 ended ><

-not a lot to say about this one, that I can remember, anyway >.> um, was pretty happy with how the timing turned out, tho I copped out and used some fast-paced scenes instead of quick cuts in some places, cause it was just easier ^^;;
-some shippy stuff going on in there too, which I don't usually do much of, but it was kinda hard not to, as a couple of those ships were pretty important in the show (plus one of them I was a fan of, tho it seems to be less popular than the other one, which I'm not that crazy about. but anyway)
-was a bit hard to choose which scenes I wanted to use where, and some ended up not being used at all, but there was only so much song to use and I wanted to try and give each character equal time in the vid (this didn't exactly work out, but eh, close enough? XD;; yes, i'm biased. ssshh)
-not so much a note on the vid itself, but I'm sad that the fandom for this show's become so small esp. as I was quite pleased with how this turned out. ah well. I actually still have a couple of other vid ideas for Survivors, so we'll see if I eventually get around to those XD

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Song is "Beat the Devil's Tattoo" by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. Spoilers up to 5x22!!

-I actually only heard this song for the first time a few days before I started working on this. Actually, it's pretty much the reason I did end up working on this-- I'd been wanting to do a Sammy-centric vid, but didn't have a song, and then bam! And now that I've made the vid, I've listened to the song more times than I can count XD But it's a *really* good song, and fits Sam pretty much perfectly, so I'm really happy I found it! ^^ (it even works musically for the show, too, as it has a bit of a Western-type feel to it not country, which I feel SPN's always had a bit of too)
-was fun to go back and use stuff from the earlier seasons, and link it to stuff from S4 and S5, as pretty much everything since the pilot ep was leading up 'Swan Song', in one way or another (poor Sam, seriously...)
-um... I really can't remember what else I wanted to say about this one XD;; ah well. Very happy with how this one turned out (tho of course I always notice little things I'd like to fix/change a bit after the fact, but that's just me being overly critical of my own work, I think) and happy others liked it too; I find the lack of Sam!love the past couple of seasons disturbing D: As much as I'm a bit more of a Dean!girl, I've always loved Sam too, so this is me, sharing the love <3

Actual update post to follow >.>

videos, supernatural, survivors, fandoms, vidding

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