Ordered List

Mar 07, 2005 21:19

I've decided to rank my PS2 game collection again and am likely to have changed my mind since last time around, the set has got much larger since then so I'm restricting it to those titles that can be considered as RPG types, even if some are a bit dodgy in that regard. I do have two not in the list as I haven't played enough of them to judge so thay'll have to wait for a subsequent update, as will Shadow Hearts Covenant which should be out Friday.

29. Unlimited Saga
Some of my choices may be considered by many to be a tad self-punishing based on their experiences with the game; however, even I have my limits and this one is far too frustrating even for me. Whomsoever decided that you should stop a spinning wheel for each and every action in this game should be shot.

28. Dark Cloud
Another game with agravating ideas that are badly utilised meaning this is the best example of a game that screws you for building up, and screws you for not building up. One mistake can cost you dear in this game and then you decide never to play it ever again.

27. Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
The ruin an ideal entry; not only did this game discard those ideas I enjoyed from previous Breath of Fire games and emphasise ideas that I disliked; but it also introduced more such as walking around aimlessly is a bad idea and using the - and I use the term loosely - dragon form means that you get game over faster.

26. Evergrace
An odd game where the currency is needed to buy, upgrade and repair weapons, but you only get it by using the weapons you have and frequently then have to spend it all on repairing the damn things. Also whoever decided that bad jumping controls, precariously thin ledges and gameover if you fall off made for a good action rpg setup?

25. Wild Arms 3
This game is awkward to begin with because of the odd way it is set up, and later when you've worked out the high damage trick it becomes ridiculously easy; unfortunately there is no happy medium. The characters are duller than the other party wandering around and the cell shading makes them look strange, also this game drags and repeats itself far too often.

24. Grandia II
This sequel reworked the plot of the original, but carefully removed anything that wasn't a cliché from the mix. The interchangable magic egg idea was useful but for the most part you just wanted them to get it over with.

23. X-men Legends
A good idea, but badly implemented. Too many things with this game should have been scrapped at the design stage; as it is character balance is off and we have the most dangerous thing to deal with being cliffs, even for characters who can fly.

22. Final Fantasy X
Square were so enthusiastic about giving the characters voices that they forgot to give them anything meaningful to say, but did decide to make you cringe when they said anything. Novel ideas like the sphere grid were hidden in a game with a dire predictable plot, bad minigames and a set of characters I wanted to die painfully.
Worst of all people see this as the benchmark to measure other games against so they damn well try and emulate the bad ideas.

21. .hack
Yes I know this is technically four games, but I can't remember where each one ends and the rest begin. This game is a fairly repetitive dungeon crawler where you tend to lose track of the plot because you keep having to go on so many pointless detours, when your biggest asset is your plot this is not a good thing.

20. Star Ocean Till the End of Time
This odd game penalises you for trying to get involved in the action. In order to get anywhere you need to have your bonuses in place, but they tend to be broken if you get anywhere near an enemy yourself. Apparently the best way around this is to synthesise some better stuff and put it on your weapon; unfortunately the game doesn't hint how to do this at all and you have to rely on the strategy guide or an faq to get the most out of it.

19. Phantom Brave
Yes I know this is the later one from the Nippon Ichi stable, but I found it to be the least intuitive of the set. Learning anything is awkward and you need to spend time training to get anywhere right from the word go.

18. Xenosaga
This is what happens when games developers want to write movies. So much time seems to have been spent on the lengthy cut scenes that the game sections between them was neglected. Several ideas could have been better thought through, and again character balance is way off.

17. Suikoden III
You have to collect the elemental artifacts before the enemy, but even when you have them they manage to get them off you and a madman with a grudge intends to destroy a large section of the world with them unless you stop him first. How can this game have an exceptional plot if it was lifted off the early Final Fantasy games? Basically I disliked the buddy system limiting my battle options, I disliked the abandonment of any politcal plotline and I disliked the way you got stuck with the same parties for so damn long.

16. La Pucelle Tactics
Of the Nippon Ichi games this has the better plot, and dare I say it, best lead. However the recruitment battle mechanic and the fact I keep trying to get bonuses for large stream counts means that I lose track of battles in this one.

15. Y's the Ark of Napistim
This Platform style of RPG doesn't have many exponents on the PS2, this one encapsulates both the good and the bad examples of its predecessors on other formats. In platform terms the jump mechanic is dire, in RPG terms the customisation is minimal. But you can have fun with this system providing you don't go the wrong way at points, you often have to fight the difficulty curve more than the enemies.

14. Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
This was lambasted when it came out for copying too much from Final Fantasy X and having nor real plot or characters involved; well those elements copied were not original in Final Fantasy X and LoTR:TTA has much more strategic battles than Square's offering so fits the design better. Legal reasons kept the characters and plot to a minimum; so where this game shines is being a challenge that you have to think through battles, even fairly standard ones. Some places are slightly odd, especially when compared to the films; but that is mainly due to the chronic lack of variety in enemies this game inherited from the three movies.

13. Summoner
Other than everyone looking like walking corpses, the biggest problem with this game is you can easily screw up the character set up because it is just too open ended. And if that character is Flece then you are in trouble in the middle of the game. Even so the game is an enjoyable merge of console and PC action RPG types in a way that was unheard of before this.

12. Final Fantasy X-2
The first real sequel in the Final Fantasy series and to one of its duller games. The cast restriction and use of the job system worked fairly well but the return of the Active Battle system was annoying as they waited for each other rather than just going when their bar was full. Fortunately you need to do things you wouldn't know about if you didn't have the strategy guide or an FAQ to actually resurrect the irritating one, so happily I didn't.

11. Disgaea - Hour of Darkness
This game is probably the most fun of the Nippon Ichi trio, and certainly some of the humerous references are worthwhile such as the Power Rangers parody. The big problem is the game is so designed for you to overlevel that it has a block problem in the middle where it is hard to gain the levels to survive the powerlevelling sections.

10. Kingdom Hearts
This fusion of Disney and Squaresoft may have gone incredibly wrong, fortunately it didn't but I still feel that the Square characters are an unneccessary addition to the game. The big problem with this is the ally AI which is faily dire as Donald uses up his magic quickly and at random, while Goofy tends to fail to take hits and moves your target out of your attack range.

9. Okage Shadow King
The biggest asset of this game is it knows where its limitations are and pokes fun at them as it goes. the characters are oddly designed intentionally and the hero is seen as having no personality whatever he says (as opposed to characters that say nothing and are supposed to have an amazing personality). This game doen't have the best of combat systems but doesn't claim to have.

8. Drakengard
Yes the land section is a poor copy of Dynasty Warriors and the flying section isn't especially well done, the enemies are repetitive and the allies are odd. Despite that this game fits my state of mind with its short power up system for each weapon and ways to unlock other weapons. The fact that it has five unhappy endings and no happy ones is somehow comforting that they don't all have to be nausea inducing love stories.

7. Legaia 2: Duel Saga
It wasn't as good as the original, it did have some characters that I wanted to dismember and the minigames seemed to warrant a turbo controller to win. However the arts battle system is well done and the accessory system was a welcome addition. It is easy to lose yourself in this game as it seems to be short but you've spent a few hours on that short bit.

6. Arc the Lad: Twighlight of the Spirits
Now this isn't an especially sophisticted Strategy RPG, but i found its simplicity engaging at times. the characters do work well together and fit with what they're supposed to do, the voice acting makes me cringe though for the most part. Is this so high because of Bebeora? Probably.

5. Suikoden IV
Yes they could have done more with the plot and the gameplay, it is flawed at points, but the others on the list could have the same levelled at them. I'm not bothered at all by moving the boat and I like the recruiting segment and minigames of Suikoden IV, a biased angle to judge on certainly but this is my list.

4. Ephemeral Fantasia
Some people would place this at the bottom of this list, but it is by no means that bad. The non linearity of the plot wheich you need to figure out yourself from the clues given makes this a fairly unique entry on the list. The character set is diverse enough to cover all tastes and the battle system is largely well done.

3. Dark Chronicle
Considering the difference in position between this and its predecessor probably marks Dark Chronicle as the most improved videogame sequel ever. Almost all the bad ideas from the first game were eliminated and so it plays much better and even has new features that enhance the experience. The only criticism is it still takes ages to level up weapons and stuff so this is a game for the long haul.

2. Summoner 2
Currently the best Action RPG on the console. Summoner 2 also learned from its predecessor and restricted the options on characters so whilst you still customised them you couldn't mess them up completely. For its type the plot works rather well and at times makes you wonder what illicit substances inspired it. And it can be a fairly significant challenge so you do need to put some thought in to your actions.

1. Shadow Hearts
So far nothing has shifted this combination of dark humour and engaging battles from the top slot, maybe I find that games that do not take themselves as seriously as they could more appealing than those who try and emphasise the seriousness of the situation at all points.

Well that is my list; you are welcome to diagree, but don't expect me to change my mind on your say so.

EDIT: I forgot one because it came in a stupid tin and I was reading the names off the spines.
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