I only post about LOST now, though that's not all I care about. But...
After last week's episode, I just don't see how they could top that, I just can't. I feel like my love for Smokey is possibly obscuring my clarity here, but dear god, that episode was fantastic. Can see how it's being compared to "The Constant". And it barely compared any of the Losties (it's acting like DW's "Turn Left", which barely had any Doctor in it, for me), thought the less Jin-Sun non-movement and Jack acting as a super Jacob convert, the better. Man, would it be cool if Jack is actually conning Ilana, etc., and they'll be a really awesome showdown in the finale then between the reincarnated (?) Jacob and Smokey/Smokey's replacement.
Hey, am I the only one still on Smokey's side? I don't know how many recaps, reviews, dissections, picspams, etc. of this episode I've read this week, plus the ODI podcast with Damon and man, I refuse to give up and pronounce Jacob as good, or better than Smokey. -_-
Truthfully, though, Smokey could slaughter absolutely all the Losties and I'd still be on his side (maybe 'cause he's using Locke's form? But his original 1867 form was seriously awesome as well.) Could happen to be 'cause my fav character, Locke, has technically already died and so I don't care as much anymore. Though I've never hated Ben, though he killed my fav character =/ (But if Jacob's touch wouldn't allow them to kill themselves, and Smokey and Jacob needed him to be back in some form on the Island - with the O6 as well - then there was no other way. He had to die. Which, again, makes Smokey and Jacob both lacking in the good =| )
I just confuse myself with this.
Totally-not-related-to-LOST-at-all: (ooh, anybody else think the APA's rule about italics in the works cited section is ridiculous? Seriously, you can't italicize the comma after the volume number? Seriously? Or was my adviser off there?) That actually wasn't what I was gonna talk about. =| Easily distracted today.
So, spent my weekend productively >_> Ripped the Doctor Horrible musical commentary audio from my .vob file I'd had on my computer for months (so as to better guilt me into watching it) and cut it into mp3s (after, of course, the torrent for it wouldn't work). God, do I adore "Better than Neil" XD Oh, and "Heart (Broken)"! My bro the writer would like that one for sure. Need to get everyone I know who doesn't listen to commentaries to hear this.
Finally, I've never been a fan of RPS, 'cause real people, you know. 0_o And then I saw all the RDJ/Jude Law interviews for Sherlock Holmes...and was seduced by the multiple entries in the first
sherlockkink meme for RDJude and resisted, resisted, and (of course) ultimately gave in. Damn it, they're too adorable (and hot) not to think of in that way (especially when RDJ is constantly touching Jude) =D
I still feel alternately embarrassed and extremely excited for the pairing, though, but I'm guessing that's pretty normal in this kind of situation. (-_-;;)