So hey! Happy news!

Nov 14, 2011 16:43

I'm running for Mayor for District 9 (over at The Hunger Games pages on Facebook) so if you'd like to take a minute to click here, I'd so appreciate it. The trailer is out today and IT LOOKS AMAZING! :DDD

College: My math teacher today singled me out as the only person in the class to get a particular question on the exam right that he'd pointed out during review time. He accidentally left part of a different question out so everyone got points back for that question, and if anyone was able to still solve it, he gave them bonus points. He also said that nobody got a 90 or higher on their original grade - but when my points were added b/c of that question, I got a 94. :D
I also have a B+ on my last Biology exam thanks to extra credit, which is my highest/next-highest exam grade so far. Freaking hard class. >_<

Television: I'll be finishing up Battlestar Galactica next week with a friend, so I'm super excited about that. Finally catching up on last week's shows tomorrow morning since I don't work until 4pm. House, Glee, Ringer, Colbert Report...

Projects: NEW! Completed this cross-stitch (pardon the trippy light, but that's the only picture I've taken of it so far) that's been framed for now (to keep it safe) and just needs a little ironing out before I permanently mount/frame it. The second one is more ornate and is coming along surprisingly quickly. Started drawing some more designs and am thinking about making various things for sale after this one's finished.

Right now I'm in the middle of a long-awaited organizing my room - jpgr just sent me nearly 45 Doctor Who magazines, for which I'm much obliged - and now I'm figuring out where everything should go, hah. :)

the hunger games, geeky, college, life, i have too much time on my hands, cross-stitchery is not for grannies anym

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