Amazing things to share with you.

Nov 09, 2011 00:49

Of course, I'm still sending out cards in about a month, complete with personalized awesome if you'd like it, so sign up already! :D


First off, Reasoning With Vampires at Tumblr.
I'm an English grammar dork, and I've read all four Twilight books and thought they were a bit rubbish, but great for helping kids realize how not to write sentences/plot/characterization. Reading the entries is such a time-eater but in a great way, and I got through about two pages before some of them made me laugh SO hard. My 11 year old sister and I had tears in our eyes and were gasping for breath by some of them around page eight.
Some particular favorites: here, here, here and here.

Bonus: Part 1 of Alex reads Twilight. I love good snarkage.

Then, there's The Hobbit Blog.
Anyone who's a LotR/Hobbit junkie like me, is in love with the films, and/or interested in every aspect of behind-the-scenes from filming to directing costumes to sets to whathaveyou will love this. The production videos are so wonderful and fun and the last five seconds of video #1 had me tearing up from I'M SO HAPPY THIS IS REAL.

Fun story #1: I got a package today from MTI (Musical Theatre International) and freaked out before realizing that it was because I won a contest and then forgot about it. You had to answer the question about something in this particular book and then if it was right, you're put in a drawing for two versions of the hardback~ special 50th anniversary addition PLUS another hardback illustrated book by the same author. TL;DR: I won. XD
If anyone is interested, it's called The Phantom Tollbooth. I'd heard of it before but now I have no excuse but lack of time to read it. XD

Fun story #2: I was looking at the scifi/fantasy section of the bookstore before work today and passed two women talking about how to define science fiction vs fantasy books. tl;dr I spent about 10 minutes talking with them, one of them was a Joss fan too which was totally awesome. She showed me a book series she was reading with a female werewolf who takes charge and becomes the leader which is cool and more female-empowering and different all that. Not my type of book, really, but yay. :D
I'm currently bewildered as to why there is an authorized sequel to I, Robot. It's just sitting on my desk and I'm wondering if I should actually read it. And I was so tempted to buy another book and had to just stop myself.

brb signing up classes for next semester.
Sociology, US History, Ballroom Dance, Public Speaking, Theatre Appreciation (online, boooo)

these are a few of my favorite things, fun post, movies, i am a zombie, spread the love, made of pure awesome, lord of the rings, i should sleep now, books

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