eta: two days and counting.

Aug 18, 2011 01:23

my high school was like. a hallway and some trailers. I got lost. more than I care to admit. howwillisurvivecollege. D:

Taped a cheat sheet notecard to the inside of my planner to remind me when and where I have to be for all my morning classes, especially since they require me to get up super early since the first one starts at 8am. For a whole semester. I'm totally used to waking up at 8am. XD

The good thing is that I should know between Friday and like, mid-next week if I passed the CLEP exam for my English class, and if I do I won't have to take it and still get full credit. And refund which means more money for other college-y things. LIKE COFFEE. That totally counts as a college-required item >__> I have been living off cold coffee-like drinks for almost two weeks now whatdoyoumeanitdoesntworklikethat.

And.. yeah. Apart from maybe a fleeting post on how my first ever day of college went, I'm not sure I'll be online for a while...not.. like I have been lately, but shush.

My first *full* week including classes classes looks like this:
Sun: work 2-6
Mon: class 8-1 & 6-7
Tues: work 3-7
Wed: class 8-1 & 4-7
Thurs: work 9am-7pm
Fri: class 8-1
Sat: work 1-7

And... basically repeat that for next week. so fuck yes I'm going back to NY in 3 weeks I need a break too. I could seriously just copy that whole schedule and just change my Tuesday workday to 9-2 and it would be the same. Possibly for the week after that too. And I still have to study and do homework and stuff. That Tues-Wed-Thurs-Fri is going to SUCK. HARD. Especially on my sleeping, there's no way I can deviate and stay up even a little bit later or have any resemblance of a life. So please don't tempt me, I will say yes and regret it later. @___@ (But I'm rocking at work with photography and sales even though our new system is made of suck and we've changed pricing sheets TWICE in as many weeks. hell yeah.)

brb cloning myself so one of me can work and one of me can go to school. then Ceri Alpha can go finish watching Luther and BSG and actually sleep normally again. ...why is it 1:30AM already?! D:

i am a zombie, omg why am i up so late, college, i swear when i'm this tired, work, whaaaaaat, life, i should sleep now, i am a crazy person

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