The unveiling of my secret project of awesome, part the second.

Aug 01, 2011 20:00

Cross-posting to crafty_tardis.

First off, I have a feeling this was long-awaited, so huge apologies. In the midst of RL getting rather complicated lately, my computer has gone through two personal crises (crisises?) and managed to dump all of my data down the digital toilet. Thank God for the likes of TinyPic and Photobucket.

Disclaimer reminder: I ask that my created letters, like the originals, not be used for any sort of profit. I'm not making any money off of them either. It's a labor of geeky, awesome, fandom love. <3

Without further ado:

I is for Ice Warrior

(original version - too bulky for my tastes)

(new and shiny version)

J is for Jelly Baby

K is for K-9

L is for Library, (Silence in the)


THE WHOLE THING SO FAR ISN'T IT PRETTY appears that among other things, my computer ate the graph version of K, although it shouldn't be too tricky to make it with this picture - but I can remake the graph - as well as my L, where the only remaining copies besides the actual (as-of-yet incomplete) stitched piece are some print-outs. Thankfully, I can remake that one without too much difficulty.

I love how with some of these pictures, I clearly have the colors in mind, and then when it gets to actually making it, I'm like SCREW IT and I use a different color after all.

So this wasn't as spectacular an update as I had hoped, but I'm getting there. I've made charts for S, T, U, and W as well, in case anyone was wondering. I'm just waiting to post them in order. Suggestions are loved! I've got most of them figured out, it's just a matter of making a chart.

these are a few of my favorite things, picspam, geeky, sekkrit, spread the love, doctor who, cross-stitchery is not for grannies anym, made of pure awesome, achievement: unlocked

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