
Aug 19, 2011 06:48

Went to bed at midnight but woke up at 5AM... when my alarm's set for 7. :|

My bookbag is like fifty pounds of dead weight with all my textbooks so I'm doing the unthinkable and ditching my messenger bag companion for the drawstring college bag, and just dumping my pencil case and wallet and whatever else I need in there. Haven't even tried stuffing my computer in, but I figure I've only got an hour of free time and classes all around it, so I'll just bring along my sign language book to read errr.. no room for another book, maybe I'll just go to the library or something. Yeah. They have computers there. :)

PS: I was completely my best at work yesterday, being awesome and fixing stuff for customers and getting the computers and receipts system working when one of the other girls totally didn't know how to do it. \o/

8am - MTH 152
10am - HIS 101
11am - BIO 101
12am - ENG 111

I am going to hate myself later for forcing myself to take math first every day. @__@

Except I could potentially find out today if I don't need to take English. \o/ Which also means I don't have to pay for two more books and at this point I'm happier thinking about less weight on my back rather than not paying for them. Still not sure if I'll be able to carry my computer with me unless I drag along my messenger bag or ditch my two notebooks and copy info to them later on. :/

i am a zombie, my summers are boring, college, life, pain is not fun, work

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