Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts Series Kissing Meme

Apr 01, 2011 09:12

Next meme on my list! <3 I know I have FF/KH friends lurking around here, and I know some of my new friends like it too. Go forth and make kissies! XD Anything Final Fantasy or its side games work here (see Kingdom Hearts loop hole? XD)! I totally recommend prompts for Dissidia's sequel, XD. Here's the link for the Hetalia Kissing Meme and the Comics Kissing Meme. Now, to the rules!

1. There must be a kiss of some sort.
2. Can be romantic, platonic, to an inanimate object...
3. Crack is good; romance is good; ALL is GOOD!
4. Smut's okay, but warnings for smut are even better.
5. I don't mind spoilers, ever, but others might mind so spoiler warnings when needed.
6. Make requests, fill requests, just post a fic; do whatever, but try to fill some requests if you make a bunch of requests, if you can. :)
7. If any prompts strike your interest to write but have been filled, more than one fill is okay!
8. START! Like, now! ^-^

EDIT: Fanfics created by this meme so far. (8 fics as of 04/08/11 - 09:50AM)

Dissidia 012, Fickle Memories, Vaan/Terra + Onion Knight, PG, sorta SPOILERS by shiny_glor_chan
Dissidia 012, Eye of the Storm, Lightning/Tifa, PG-13 Part 1 + Part 2 by xagzan
Kingdom Hearts/FFIX/Dissidia, How To Kiss, Zidane/Sora/Roxas, R by zuke_88
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Jewel of Experience, Ven+Aqua + Terra + Riku+Sora+Kairi, PG-13 by leasspell_dael
Dissidia 012, Memories, Yuna/Tidus + Jecht, PG, sorta SPOILERS by shuriken7
Dissidia 012, Tentacle Porn, Cloud of Darkness/Laguna, R, Laguna SPOILERS by shiny_glor_chan
Dissidia 012, Untitled, Golbez/Kain+Delusory Dragoon, G, SPOILERS for 012 - Nothing Like the Real Thing by animekittysama
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, The Problem with Older Women, PG, SPOILERS Part 1 + Part 2 by ceylmallyn

meme, meme with fanfic, meme: kissing

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