Suddenly the Dissidia kink meme got busy again when I was busy hibernating? (Though apparently there was about a page and a half's worth of prompts posted by the same person... but, still, prompts and some fills.) I don't know if I can pull my brain out of its current state of quasi-hibernation (and immersement in various obscure fandoms) enough to
( Read more... ), I haven't posted here in a long time. :\ Sorry about that. My life has kind of sucked lately, although I'd rather not go into detail in public about the reasons for it. Suffice to say I just kind of fell out of fandom entirely for a while, and then came back to it because I was starting to think again about writing as a distraction from
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I suddenly have the urge to write a multi-chapter fanfic. Bear in mind, I... don't do multi-chapter fics. I haven't written any in literally over a decade, and the ones I did attempt mostly died from not having a good plot outline. I really only do drabbles and one-shots these days
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So apparently, this is what happens if you do a Google search on "HATRED IS WOT DROIVES ME!": Google auto-corrects it. (I'm not necessarily condoning the exact wording this person used to express their frustration. Just, uh, boggling. At the whole thing, and at the fact that it auto-corrects "droives" but not "wot
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So... Happy New Year, I guess? First post of the year for me. ^^ Mine was... very quiet, except for the neighbours setting off fireworks outside (though admittedly they were more polite than last year).
How many users/communities seem to be gafiating over to Dreamwidth? Would it be enough to justify making a DW account for fandom things there? I tried to set my account to apply my LJ style to all comment pages, but apparently you need a paid account in order to do that, and LJ is definitely not getting a penny from me at this point unless they
( Read more... ) have you ever accidentally taken too much cough syrup or cold medicine or something, and gotten to this point where you suddenly realised you had no idea what was going on, but it felt kind of awesome, even though you were still kind of confused about what was going on and thinking it probably wouldn't be a good idea to do this very often? It
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