Hey, my darling new Hetalia friends! I have decided since I am sans homework this weekend, and you're all new to my LJ, I thought I'd have a kissing meme! I haven't hosted one in a while, so I'm gonna have three of them. This one will be for Hetalia, and I'll have one for
comics and one for
Final Fantasy and all it's side games (which includes a loop hole for the whole Kingdom Hearts series, <3)! I'll link them when I post them. SO, on to the rules to a kissing meme!
1. There must be a kiss of some sort.
2. Can be romantic, platonic, to an inanimate object...
3. Crack is good; romance is good; ALL is GOOD!
4. Smut's okay, but warnings for smut are even better.
5. I don't mind spoilers, ever, but others might mind so spoiler warnings when needed.
6. Make requests, fill requests, just post a fic; do whatever, but try to fill some requests if you make a bunch of requests, if you can. :)
7. If any prompts strike your interest to write but have been filled, more than one fill is okay!
8. START! Like, now! ^-^
EDIT: Fanfics created by this meme so far. (11 fics as of 04/10/11 - 09:55AM)
"Speaking in tongues", France/Canada, NC-17 implied by
batstalker Instigator, Austria/Switzerland + Hungary, PG by
shiny_glor_chan Untitled, Sweden/Poland, G by
shantari Untitled, America/Canada, PG by
macos1508 Untitled, Japan+Italy+Germany, G by
skyjennie Untitled, Hungary/Prussia + Germany/Italy, PG by
gimladen pomodoro, Spain + Chibi!Romano, G by
calciseptine Untitled, Prussia/Russia, G by
schizounicorn Untitled, Sweden/Finland, PG by
shantari Napoli-Lazio 04/03/11, Spain/Romano, PG-13 Part 1 +
Part 2 +
Part 3 w/ Notes by
shiny_glor_chanUntitled, Russia + Alaska, G by
azurelunatic EDIT 2: And we have art now too! <3 (1 artfill as of 04/03/11 - 03:35PM)
Untitled, Greece + kitty, G by