Wheee totally out of chronological order now but oh well! It's 6:30am over here but I am wide awake so I decided to finally catch up on the events in Japan before I came back to the States.
Soooo Saturday (7.21.07) we headed over to my friend's house for dinner! Nothing particularly amazing happened, but it was fun to just hang out, plus everyone took lots of awesome pictures (which I have borrowed off from facebook hehe). Now off on a massive picture spam post!!
On the way to the station! I am trying to grow like the sunflower but since I have stopped growing since 5th grade, I doubt that'll happen T_T
Super cute "Alice" doll Alice got me to remember her by!! It is the onigiri one because Alice always feels better once she is fed XDD
Being retarded on the train!!
FOOD! Super super yummy food, and there was a lot more where that came from!!
Half of everyone played with Siki, petting him and poking jokes at how tall he is! It was pretty funny how everyone was trying to compare where their legs started compared to Siki <3
We tried writing with our non-primary hand (I'm right-handed tho and for some reason I'm writing with it here XDD I wasn't cheating though!!) and everyone failed massively, even especially? XD; the Japanese people.
Everyone super excitedly watching soccer! My friend Tetsuya and his insanely awesome drunk uncle.
Group pic!!
Anyway after heading back to Hiyoshi, we three girls (me, Alice, and Shao <3) decided to do fireworks!! We did it in the mini park next to Shao's dorm, tho there was a LOT of smoke and I was super paranoid that we might get in trouble so we couldn't finish off all the fireworks, but we still used up at least half of them!
This picture is awesome!!
God I love you girls <3
I don't want to make this post too long again, so I'll have to write up another two or so posts to catch up, but for now I am hungry so I think I shall eat breakfast! Hehe.
Btw the text I used for the title & LJ cut this time around is lyrics from Utada Hikaru's new song "Beautiful World!" It's AWESOMENESS. I only have a radio rip so far, but I love it !! It's being released at the end of August, and I heard is supposed be the theme for the upcoming Evangelion movie! Please give it a listen <3