- Ol' whatshisface (I don't think I've ever used a one word quote before but since he was the first to describe my makeup that way…)
Max has been itching to play in that bubble gum pink hair since the ladies completed it. It gave us another chance to try out 3D makeup. He was super excited about the results cuz honestly, I wasn't exactly sure how the new closure process would look. I mean, as previously mentioned, it looked great *points* over there. There was no guarantee it would look as gorgeous *points to head* up there. As of now, I'm a genius. The way it curves my face… *pause* As per Zay's suggestion, I've been consuming one gallon of water per day. In my pics, I could totally see how much slimmer my face is becoming… And my skin… Damn. Not gonna lie, I was skeptical as hell but I'm glad I've been sticking with it now. It helps me not eat as much because I'm too busy floating around like the beautiful gazelle I am. Ha! I kid. I kid. (I'm so not kidding) I have been also feeling more upbeat since… Imma say the 10th day. I'm easier to get up and go lately. Honestly, that impromptu photoshoot almost didn't happen yesterday. As mentioned, sometimes I'll start feeling out of sorts outta nowhere. Yesterday afternoon was one of those moments but after I worked out, I felt so much better. I know if Imma be the face of Zarathrustra Ink, Imma hafta stop hiding behind my bad days/moods/thoughts so I pushed instead of curling up in a ball… Which is actually what I would have preferred. I did say I was no longer giving myself the option to organize, decorate and throw my own personal pity party so… Yeah. I pushed. I do like Max's work. He's very talented. Kinda sux for him *shrugs*... Ya know, being stuck inside me and all. He deserves better. *sighs* I need to get off my meds. I feel so stunted alot of the time…
But… This isn't meant to be a down on me entry so… Instead…
All my favorite pictures had my eyes closed. *laughs* Imma redo this on Monday cuz I know I can do better and I wanna be in top form for the garden shoot. I should be starting on the dress sometime next week. 'Til then...
All and all, Max got the pink he's always wanted. I didn't wanna like it but woooooooow. It looks great. I love it. I'm really, really excited for the garden dress now. If I could pull this outta the hat, what else is in there?
These thoughts that plague us all.
PS: When I have a chance to completely process what happened yesterday, I'll be back...