[Chalion drabbles] Posts for "April Flowers"

Apr 12, 2011 20:48

This has been another one of those springs when work hasn't left me as much time to write fic as I would like. I've got a Remus/Tonks "Kaleidoscope" chapter in progress, and I've finally figured out what House to Sort Teddy into in my post-war AU, and there's always that last chapter of "All Will Be In Order" that I'm afraid of, but which needs finishing...

At least there's drabbling, as a way to flex my writing muscles a little bit. I've come up with a few 100-worders for the "April Flowers" event at chalion_ibra: one with Cazaril angsting, one with Ista exulting, and a drabble series that's still in progress, showing Martou dy Jironal's perspective on his metaphorical fencing match with Cazaril. (I have an Iselle-centric plotbunny, too, if I can get it together.) Lots of nice posts over there, mostly drabbles and ficlets, so be sure to take a look if you're Chalion-inclined.

There's also the "April Showers" event at day_by_drabble, which I haven't managed to write for yet, but there are posts for all kinds of fandoms going on over there. Including not a small number of Jane Austen drabbles!

ETA: Writing about how I hadn't posted anything at day_by_drabble seemed to wake the muse up. Now I've got a Vorkosigan drabble with Ekaterin and the Professora...

drabbles, vorkosigan_series, chalion, chalion_ibra

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