[Meme] WIP meme

Apr 16, 2011 00:44

In celebration of the fact that I'm taking tonight off (whee!) and that I finally finished my 2010 fic-in-review post (discovering, along the way, that my 2009 fic-in-review post was apparently likewise finished in April 2010), I'm irresponsibly borrowing this meme from avanti_90 and philomytha.

Maybe this will wake the muses up, because classes are over in just two more weeks and I do hope can get some longer pieces done in the near future!

Post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations. No more than one sentence!

These are the WIPs I've at least tinkered with in 2011. (One of them is a file that dates back to 2006!) They're in what you might call chronological order by setting, in a crossover universe...

  1. This was dy Cazaril, the man he'd thought might actually hold Gotorget against the Roknari, the man who would have been a true threat to Dondo.

  2. Iselle knew that her mother wasn't mad, not any more.

  3. Apparently satisfied, Molly released her grip on his robes and disappeared back down the stairs, muttering under her breath things that sounded like “skin and bones” and “working himself to death” and “no sense at all.”

  4. “If I weren’t willing to fight Death Eaters, I wouldn’t be an Auror,” Tonks reminded him, mopping up tea with her handkerchief (this was a Muggle restaurant, after all).

  5. But after Hagrid had been sent to make contact with the giants last year, Remus didn’t need Sybill Trelawney’s crystal ball to see where this was heading.

  6. Matthias threw him a sharp glance, but was too canny to react more visibly.

  7. I'm guessing, Teddy thought at the Hat, that you Sort students into the Houses where they most want to go.

  8. "You could stay the night here, you know," said Miles, trying so hard to look nonchalant that Ekaterin thought he might strain something.


memes, wip

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