fuuuuck yeah

Aug 22, 2015 18:24

IT WASN'T A FLUKE. :') :') :')

Oh jeez, this team is terrible for my heart though. We have a GK (new one, the one I liked last year went back to another team cuz he's pretty much retirement age) who makes the most brilliant saves sometimes (but also makes the dumbest mistakes, in the same game, omg, I have NO IDEA how we kept a clean sheet today). And that kind of describes most of the team, I feel. REALLY FLAKY. When we're sharp, we're fucking sharp. When we suck, we're a trainwreck. Watching them, I never know if I want to laugh or cry. But most of them work damn hard. And this has just been one crazy week -- an unbelievable high after a depressing low.


(I think this is why my viewing habits seem to have switched from anime -> soccer even though I'm still reading about as much manga as I used to: guaranteed entertainment vs irritation/ragefest/boredom/disappointment. :P)

(That said, I'm totally hyped for the One Piece special getting simulcast [several hour delay tho] tonight. IDK if I will have reactions. Not really much to say about OP than squee squee flailflail)

comments at the original Dreamwidth post

soccer is the only sport i happily watch

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