a really quick post cuz I'm really fucking happy

Aug 21, 2015 16:18

Like I'm late on this because I couldn't catch it live and wasn't keeping up with news for a few days, but omfg

my team just played a fucking blowout away game against one of the leading teams* atm

after the most depressing losing streak ever

(and not only was it a blowout, we were actually playing cohesive & lovely soccer like wtf is this real?)

(the losing streak felt particularly bad because it was like the team completely forgot how to play for more than a month -- it was a shock to watch highlights and see how unrecognizably sharp they were, even sharper than they'd been before the slump. opposing team collapses + we finally use a formation that plays to our strengths + our players suddenly gel again = holy crap what am I watching)

* "leading" as in points-wise. insert explanation of how the American pro soccer league works and how basically anything can happen (that unpredictability exists in other leagues as well, I know, but it's particularly entertaining here because there's like, basically only one stacked team)

- - -

... It is SO weird being a sports fan after practically a lifetime of non-sports fandom. (And a little funny, because I don't think I'm "participating" in the fandom the way most sports fans do.)

Soccer fan culture in particular (supporters groups and such) has always been fascinating to me. Now that I'm actually following my team actively enough (over the past two years) to feel comfortable identifying myself as a fan, albeit a casual one, I find myself often feeling urges to compare the experiences between "media" fandom (which in itself has variations between anime/manga/books/TV) and soccer fandom, because there are more parallels than one might expect, despite the obvious inherent differences... but not really sure I feel comfortable putting it into words yet, hahaha.

(I have all sorts of impressions about other sports fandoms that I'm not sure are entirely fair/accurate because I simply don't pay attention to them, LOL. Baseball = stats nerdery, basketball = bracket gambling, American football = I have a hard time judging it because it is undeniably a huge part of American culture but I personally hate it and I live in an area where football is not The Biggest Deal Ever [although it is still a pretty big deal] and also I think the culture around football fandom has shifted drastically since I was a kid [we have reached a point where it may actually be "cooler" in a hipster sense to not give a crap] but am not sure because again, I don't live in a football crazy state)

- - -

I've had an Amazuma Ryuta post lined up for a while but I keep feeling like there's something I'm forgetting to include in it (and it's a really long post already). Maybe this weekend.

Also, DETECTIVE CONAN. I <3 the Akai family??!?!

comments at the original Dreamwidth post

soccer is the only sport i happily watch

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