Oh my fucking god The Last

Aug 01, 2015 16:45

Oh my god this movie is hilarious.


- scrappy party of five

- travels to the moon via ridiculous means

- to storm the ridiculous FF boss castle

- (sorry, your princess is in another one)

- resulting in gratuitous SPACE BATTLE

- against an alien chuunibyou villain

- (not even kidding about the chuunibyou)

- oh did you think that was his final form? THINK AGAIN

2. They should have just called it Hinata: The Last

3. Sasuke trolling as always

4. I love seeing Sai's art animated

5. I love seeing Sakura punch things. There's just something seriously cathartic about it

6. Hell, I love seeing Hinata punch things. Too bad that role is generally delegated to Sakura

7. Amazing fanfic, A++

- popular jock Naruto with literal flock of fangirls

- cheerleader Sakura (I mean in the shipping sense, the Girl Friend who always exists just to matchmake). honestly, Shikamaru kinda got relegated to this role as well (which is hilarious if you think about it)

- action girl sacrificing herself to be a damsel in distress because of the usual nonsensical communication issues

- Sai being Sai (honestly one of the best parts of the movie)

- (FFX-style) wedding fanservice. twice if you count the credits. (I liked the black outfit actually)

- babiesssssssssssss ever after (not as bad since we already knew from the epilogue, but still)

- red string of fate~~~~~~~

- half the plot happens through ~~~~flashbacks~~~~

- Miaka! Tamahome!

- plot-relevant HAND-HOLDING

- firefly scene

- soooo muuuuuch fanserviceeeeee

8. That poor scarf

9. I am not sure why the moon still exists

10. Naruto-style eye transplants will never stop cracking me up

- - -

More seriously, for a while I was pleasantly surprised to be reminded of some of the original reasons I liked the series (the lore, the politics in the background that turned out to be mostly a lie, ninjas doing cool ninja shit, friendship and teamwork). Then it turned into Final Fantasy. I'm not complaining, mind. I was VERY entertained and the only character I wanted to smack was the chuunibyou (and the creative team for trollolololing with Sasuke, tho does anyone expect anything different at this point).

The Boruto movie coming out this week looks pretty shitty otoh (all the next gen cliches I despise). I don't think I'll be watching that.

comments at the original Dreamwidth post

movies, naruto, anime

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