Jul 05, 2015 15:38

Oh good, our starting lineup looks decent. :3

Oh boy decided to watch a FOX stream today. Hope I don't have to mute it.

Mmm. I really am happy with our lineup.

May need to switch streams. Started lagging and commentators already irritating me.


(Where was this US team in all the earlier games? XD)

Goddamn this is a slaughter....

JP's biggest weakness IMO has been defending set pieces, and wow. Just ouch.

In some sense I think this is going to make the game more interesting though. It'll be interesting to see how JP make a comeback (or not). JP rarely go all out from the start, but they'll have to now...

I have to admire how calm they're playing despite the scoreline.

.... OK, I take that back. That was an awful play. Seriously awful, jeez, get it together JP.

I think JP just gave up. Sigh. Not sure this is worth watching anymore. They're really out of it and Lloyd is on fire.

I think I may stop and come back for the second half and see if they've picked themselves up. Not fun watching a game where one side has been mentally demolished. Except Brazil last year.

At least they're making Hope Solo do some work. :P (still have it on in the BG)

Wooooooo, nice comeback. (I got sucked back in...)

Oh man, that was a great play too.

I'm impressed by JP coach. Slightly surprising sub, but I think the best thing to do atm. (He took off the defender who made that awful mistake for solid vet Sawa.)

This second sub I'm more confused by though. Kawasumi is really great?? Oh no commentators were wrong. Silly commentators. No, pretty sure Kawasumi's off. Puzzling because she's pretty key to the attack.

What a fantastic game despite the awful start.... hahahaha.

I think what fascinates me most is how much mentality can affect a game. USA came into this wanting to win this. But credit where credit's due, it takes a lot to fight back when you're down by that much that early on. I can think of other teams who would've just completely collapsed. I thought JP was about to do just that, but nope, they're really fighting back. Still sloppier than their norm/clearly shaken, but I like that they haven't given up after all.

(It's a pity the scoreline doesn't reflect the actual game, which has been surprisingly even despite the first fifteen minutes... Seriously tho US where was this amazing team during the group games??? I'm actually half-convinced by the conspiracy theorists who were joking that our coach made questionable choices early on as part of a longer gambit. Hahahaha.)

Second half now. Bathroom break (should have gone during halftime, hope I don't miss anything).

Props to Kaihori man, this shit has got to be toughest on GKs, and that save just now was great.

Niiiiiiice. (But okay, US better keep their lead now. :P I just wanted a more even game. XD)

Nicely done. This is a real high-scoring game. (I said this earlier, but JP is weak at defending set pieces.)

Aaaand finally Iwabuchi on.

I think it's cute/nice to see the sportsmanship between the two teams btw.

I love watching Iwabuchi.

If only JP had their heads in the game right from the start, this would have been amazing to watch. (I mean, this second half has already been awesome, but I'd have loved to see a game where both sides are fighting for every point.)

Sawa's pretty damn cool. Sawa stats later when I'm not distracted.

GOOOOOO USA!!! :D (I seriously think our coach was playing mind games with the opposition. Even if she wasn't, it seriously entertains me to think she was trolling everyone and taking all that criticism just for this. Damn.)

Anyway, Sawa -- Sawa is badass. She's been in six Cups. (She was called up to the national team at age 15, and is now 36.) Her experience really showed today, I think.

She was absolutely needed on the field after that first fifteen minutes. I feel bad for the player who made that defensive slip-up that resulted in goal 3, but she'll learn from it.

Goal #4 was just amazing -- pure cracking skill. (Perfect goal for a hat trick!)

I missed goal #1 but seriously, JP was obviously not "in the game" and the US capitalized. Also, their set piece defending has just never been super. I think something like 3 out of 5 goals were all from corners? Or no, one was from a free kick, two from corners, one from a defensive error. And Goal #4 was just crazy of course.

tl;dr -- Aside from the first fifteen minutes (which were completely WILD), great game from both sides. Mental fortitude is really important and this is whyyyyy.

(Also this was a great example of a lopsided game that is nonetheless absolutely riveting.)

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soccer is the only sport i happily watch

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