.... WTF

Jul 04, 2015 22:29

After falling out of FE fandom out of sheer irritation over wacky remake hijinks, and Awakening not particularly interesting me...


I... huh.... what.

(I guess it's nice that they at least opened up marriage to ALL characters*... And hey cool, they brought back My Castle.)

I'm also... rolling my eyes... at the fantasy East vs. West premise.... (Words cannot express how much irrational hatred I have for this kind of setup.)

It kind of feels shitty to see a franchise that I really liked turn into something utterly unrecognizable, but pretty much at this point I think they've lost me for good. (I was actually still thinking about picking up Awakening at soooooome point.) Seriously though, nasty feelings all around.

I feel pretty gutted.

* Although it seems like this isn't true either, and only select characters are "bisexual"? I'm so confused and not sure I give a damn, because seeing all the info on the bisexual male character being characterized as a "sadist" is making me see red. Ugh.

*insert rant about fictional depictions of sadism* (in fact, I'm reading a translated support right now and it's AWFUL. Blegh. I'm just going to stop now before I start outright raging.)

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