your weekly dose of manga rant (+bonus squee +bonus misc. rant)

Mar 06, 2014 00:53

1. Naruto: actually.... whatever

2. Bleach: the thing about Bleach is that the rare weeks Kubo actually delivers a good chapter (like this week), you are automatically guaranteed a shitty chapter the following week. Note that the reverse is not true.

3. One Piece: Oh. My. God. This is one of the cleverest gems of a single chapter I have read in a while. Sure, I've been loving the bombshells/confirmations Oda's been feeding us for the past few months but OH MAN THIS CHAPTER. Is just so damn CLEVER in terms of the writing.

And holy crap I am so in love with the disguises/cosplay in this arc (this joke NEVER gets old). I swear I died for at least a whole minute at one particular page this chapter.

And I love Baby 5 for the first time for her reaction in this chapter.

ODAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Stop messing with my feeeeeeeeeeeeeels

(Actually, don't stop. Never stop. <3)

- - -

In other news: the only thing I hate about being self-employed is taxes! (Hate isn't a good word for this -- more an annoyance, and one I'm more than happy to put up with for everything else I get in exchange for the way I live my life.)

In other other news: I can NOT believe CA's new standardized testing (at least for math). It is SUCH bullshit.

I already hated the current middle school math curriculum here. The textbooks (and the kind of BS teachers get away with) make me furious. It is a seriously fucked up way to teach the foundations, does not at all inspire independent/creative thinking or any love for the subject or whatever the hell it's supposed to be doing (as far as I can tell, all it does is confuse everyone, TEACHERS INCLUDED), and makes it seriously difficult for kids to "graduate" to more advanced math.

I also seriously HATE one of the newer education fashions (this might be a district thing, but during my brief excursions wrt educational theories/workshops I know this is a Thing) that involves preteen students teaching each other without Actual Teacher Guidance. (I understand the theory behind this. But in actual practice it's horribly misapplied. FFS, it is NOT a technique you just randomly throw out because you don't feel like prepping lessons for a particular week or whatever. In fact, it's not a teaching strategy I personally would use for ANYTHING foundational in math, EVER, PERIOD, not even as a supplementary technique, which is really the only way I can tolerate this being used. Just... NO. [I'm okay with kids swapping completed work/checking each other's work, which is a lot more helpful to both parties, and would, y'know, encourage them to actually SHOW work for sense-making reasons instead of forcing them to BS for credit. But this is NOT what's going on here.])

There is no fucking way in hell, if I had kids of my own, that I would subject them to public school math here.

comments at the original Dreamwidth post

naruto, rants, manga: one piece, bleach, manga

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