fairy tail

Feb 28, 2014 21:21

Just realized I'd forgotten to keep up for a few weeks.

1. I've been saying this for a while now, but if Cana doesn't end up as next guild master I am going to be so mad. Canaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <333333.

(Though her power level is average, she is by far the one guild member most suited for the position, and if there's one thing I unhesitatingly adore about this arc, it's the way she's been getting to show off her underrated/hidden leadership chops.)

2. Does the comeback chapter make up for all the weeks of rage-inducingly gratuitous and shitty writing? Not sure. CANAAAAAAAAAAAAA

3. (re: fanservice -- you can't have your cake and eat it too. Especially if it involves a serious and extremely tedious case of idiot plot.)

4. Yay Erza back to being Erza. <3


6. Oh man, Canaaaaaaaaaaaaa. My heart~~

7. Natsu really bores me. (I liked his previous expy [Haru in Rave] better.) So does Zeref tbh. Seriously -- I'd probably love the series to pieces if it were about EVERYONE ELSE in the guild and their hijinks, lmao (i.e. if Lucy were the actual main character and actually got to do anything interesting these days -- or ever, really). I mean, I thought Rave plot was overall pretty decent (despite hating time travel hijinks), but if all attempts at overarching Fairy Tail plot are going to be like this, I'd rather the series just be episodic adventures.


Consensus: FT is back in my good books -- for now. But the next time Mashima pulls something like the first half of this arc...... Well, my tolerance level is extraordinary (ahembleachandnaruto), but he's lost a huge chunk of credit with me already.

And considering the arc isn't anywhere close to over yet, this may yet play out in a way that irritates me. Hahahaha.

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fairy tail

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