Oh no. Flatmate!V didn't know what we meant by 'watersports'.

Nov 21, 2010 15:42

...V just asked us if
jocondite's squick was to do with waterskiiing in general or what.
blademistress and I promptly, well. Pissed ourselves, metaphorically speaking? :D

Like I just told them, the wedding yesterday was lovely, but what I would recommend to all of you who have ladybits is that if you have a halterneck or strapless dress to wear, you should probably not wait until an hour and a half before the wedding starts to find out that a) your strapless bra doesn't really fit anymore and b) even if you decide you can't be bothered caring about that because 'it'll do', you should probably check whether or not the bra is visible under the dress. OOPS.


I have just returned from a jaunt to the mall where I got my hairs cut (yay!) and a brief reconnoitre/odyssey out to Mt Smart, from whence I can confirm that the Claw has landed. OMGGGGGG. ahhhhhhh what. whaaaaaaat. Cross fingers that the parking I scoped out remains both accessible and not-full on the day, kids.

ION, I may have just sold one of my spare U2 tickets? MORE FINGER CROSSING.

And I signed up for Yuletide, so I will commence freaking the fuck out about that shortly too. Yay, aren't you all glad you know me? :D

I also finally listened to Danger Days properly, and my unspoilery reaction is that I don't immediately love it the way I did Pretty Odd or Folie a Deux or Accelerate, but I like it more than I initially did No Line On the Horizon. ...and now that I've offended everyone I know, I will also point out that now I love NLOTH to the point that it will have to be pried from my cold dead hands, so. Sometimes I have to hear things live to really inhabit them, y'know?

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u2, musics, yuletide, welcome to the dork parade

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