Waves of Pudding Legs!

Dec 01, 2010 22:11

...I still can't hear Behind the Sea without hearing that lyric.

There is no volume setting which makes Solsbury Hill loud enough.

[Dear Peter Gabriel, oh my god PLAY A SHOW I CAN GET TO. PLEASE. In other news, I want my tattoo nowwwwwww. *greedy toddler*]

I have been mostly not online at all for the better part of a fortnight, and then this week I have been kind of a cranky bitch, so I really should be sequestering myself better than I am. However, in the interests of de-cranky-ing and also of following the Way of Awesome, I had an idea for a meme that I want to play with. Inspired by a discussion Kat and I were having at work yesterday1 about the books we find ourselves quoting most often. Funnily enough, our top fives are almost exactly the same. I know, you're shocked.*grin*

1er, I was at work. I believe she was also at work. Just, you know. In another country. My manager walked in at one point and asked what I was doing that afternoon and my actual response was "texting [Kat]." *pause* "And doing [test]! I am just. Finishing sending this text first?" He didn't even blink. Heh. Apparently we have even stockholmed everyone I work with into accepting our ridiculous codependence.

But yes! Meme idea! I propose a chain meme - I'm gonna quote from books only beneath the cut, and if you recognise the quote, please reply with another quote from the same book/series, which may then help other people nail down what it is if they're unsure, but also means people can keep contributing as timezones roll on without it being a case of "oh look everything is guessed obviously already". Note: I have picked some things deliberately to avoid spoilers for books I know people are reading ATM. So it should be safe!

1. "What a terrible line. I wish I'd thought of it."

2. "Nemesis! Hubris! Nemesis! Hubris!"

3. "I am unprecedented."

4. "He bit the lions!"

5. "Hey hey we're the Monkees!" (Okay, this is cheating slightly. But it IS verbatim dialogue from the book! :D)

6. "Are you the Watch?" "No ma'am, we're musicians."

7. "Whether we be old and bald or young with scabby knees!"

8. "Phew phew phew! That sure was some mountain!" "Twice as high as Everest, I reckon."

9. "Hoooooooooooor of Babylon!"

10. "That's what happens when you have breasts! People insult them!"

...interesting. They all wound up actually being dialogue. I didn't expect that, honestly. Those are just all the first things that popped to mind without looking them up/ones I actually quote regularly. Heh.

So, who wants to play? :D

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[don't] panic, musics, putting on that cursive type, kat, nice pile of rocks, books

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