So, I have just carried out what I think I am honour-bound to refer to as "ninja-ing up" for the weddings the next two weekends running. In other words, my hair is now brown.
I rather suspect that I entertained the hell out of the people at the colouring studio place - firstly because I walked in with hair shading from swimming-pool-bleach green through to dark blue, and secondly because it turns out the other way they keep costs down is to have people style and blowdry their own hair. Um. Okay, you guys? I towel-dry my hair. This is ninety percent because it's healthier for it and blah blah blah, but it's also because I am both lazy and also 29 years old and not really sure how to blow dry my hair. There, I said it. :D
Let's face it, I am basically hilariously inept at all kinds of femme-type stuff, with the noble exclusion I think of bra-shopping, because there I am a fucking PRO. But yes. Hair fail! Go me! \o?
I also started getting super excited about U2 today (omg omg nine days WHAT THE FUCK), and having a LOT of flashbacks to Salt Lake City for the HCT, which was... weird, but made sense at the time? IDK.
This afternoon me,
michanna and
katrin wound up in a mildly epic email chain trying to figure out our plan/s (if any) for My Chem. With the semi-fortuitous timing that, to be honest, I half-expected, they're actually playing Calgary. When I'm in North America. ...two days after MJ. (Yes, this is absolutely a diamond-shoes-pinching-my-feet kind of dilemma.) Which means, I think, that I'm not going to get to see them, as much as I would love to, and especially with my Canadians, because I just can't justify it against seeing people on the East Coast and there is no way I'm flying Boston-Calgary-(East Coast)-LA. So apparently MCR have been downgraded from "will do fucking ridiculous things to see them" to "will only do marginally ridiculous things". THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID. *squinty eyes*
The best part of that email exchange however, was handsdown Teri's reaction to the tour announcement which was: "I want to be all zen and go 'I'm sure there's someone out there for whom this is working out perfectly and they're thanking their lucky stars' except right now I just want to find that person and steal all their ponies and eat all their cookies!"
Caveat: Obviously if you are the person for whom this works perfectly we will neither steal your ponies, nor eat your cookies REALLY. We will in fact be genuinely happy for you. But mostly we will be giggling like mad because STEALING YOUR PONIES. :D
...unless of course I try to time my trip back to California with a stopover in SLC. Hrrrrrrm. Lu of my heart, are you going? :D?
For the record, either way I am going to be the person in the U2 GA line next week breaking into Na Na Na every ten minutes. (Who's with me? *grin*)
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