Cut the crap, Hamlet, my biological clock is ticking and I want babies NOW!

May 29, 2009 20:56 Izzy just finished reading Memory for the first time, and I hope she'll forgive me, but I HAVE to quote part of the email I got -- "EVERYONE IS GREGOR'S BITCH HELL YEAH." Because heeeeeeee and TRUEST OF FAX. <3333

I have been listening to Jon and Eric's side project (omg most adorable. also IL all things ever with audible dialogue in the background/ends+beginnings. HEARTS.) and the Empires cover album. I very much like at least 2/3 of it, which for covers is a much higher than usual rate - I think my personal standouts are Mark Rose covering "Keep the Mood", the two that Par Avion did, and the two Arsdiona did (especially Hold On/the reprise).

I realised I didn't really update last week like I meant to - like I tl:dr-d earlier this week, I've been at least thinking about BBB a lot (I realise virtually no one but us cares, but hey, compulsive archivist here) and not getting much done, but I had the most crazy social Saturday EVER. jocondite came over on Friday and we nerded out with cookies and TOS Star Trek and some of the earlier movies. And bitched about the cold a lot. It was good times, although we were possibly a bit more MST-y than good manners would call for. :D And then I introduced her to Black Books (she'd never seen it!) which we watched until my dvd packed a fit FIVE MINUTES BEFORE THE END OF THE LOCK OUT. So we have to finish that later - I declaimed that I could not do justice to the ending; it requires the Bill Bailey delivery, so she still doesn't know how it ends.

And then there was sleeping in, and then cooooooooooffee (IL Circus Circus, I do not get to Mt Eden often enough) with much chatting, and then I returned her home, and was bereft. NEEDS MORE FANGIRLS ALWAYS.

Of course, at least this time I wasn't bereft for quite so long - I trekked into town (er, a little late. shush.), met up with amphibious_one, nommed on Burger Fuel for lunch (so goooood), and caught up on our lives a little bit, since to the best of my recollection, the last time we'd got to see each other was for Vertigo Auckland in 2006. Then I got confused about where her hotel was and we basically walked the length of Queen St about four times all up, AND I literally ran into Neha and Katherine ON THE STREET (I had not seen Katherine since 2004(!), for the record, so that was awesome) so we stopped to chat to them before eventually getting Emma to her (very posh!) hotel. It was so so awesome seeing Emma, too - as some of you are well aware she is basically awesomesauce on toast anyhow, and we had no trouble chatting away like crazy, so... YAY. So much fun.

After that was more wandering and admiring the waterfront with coffee, and then some Real Groov-ifying (I was really restrained and didn't get the super awesome REM 2003 Christmas fanclub PARCEL they have; also Izzy is a bad influence on me clearly) but I did get the pretty book+box version of Up which, in my defence, I don't think I actually owned a copy of and it is one of my favourites (my favourite REM albums, excluding Accelerate because it's not fair to the other albums: Up, Reveal, Around the Sun. REM FANNISHNESS, MINE IS SORTA WEIRD. :D) We then did some more Walking in Giant Circles (almost as skilled as 2004's Recreational Standing, I swear to tawg), found Brendon, I said hi and wished them happy dinner and then wandered back down the street to meet the girls for our movie.

I was about forty minutes early so I grabbed random foodcourt dinner and bought a book from Borders (3rd SM Stirling Nantucket AU - I'm nearly done and so far it is almost as good as the first book and avoiding the uncomfortable bits from book 2, so I'm pleased), and then basically walked into Heidi and Foo who were also early. We tracked down a Jo, too, finished caffeinating, and then went upstairs to see To Faro ('meine Freunde auf Faro'). (None of us can tell why they didn't just call it 'My Friend from Faro' but w/e.) It was actually really good - it seemed longer than 90 mins, but in a good way, although we were all kind of a bit D:! at the age difference in the plot.

Jo, being awesome, agreed to stay in town for Pulp William at 10pm with me, so the four of us trekked over to Mission Bay to kill some time before then and had deliiiiiiiiiicious desserts at the Movenpick shop. OM NOM NOM PUDDING. I couldn't finish the ice cream, the cakey bit was too good. Then we grabbed Emma again, I failed entirely to introduce the two of them to each other (oops) and went in to Pulp William, which was freaking AWESOME. (Er, Brendon was in it and kicked ass. I think I forgot to mention this part.)

It's essentially Shakespeare crossed with Tarentino, with the plot driven by the audience suggestions at the beginning - we had a chiropractor, Hamlet (ahahahaaa way to pick the play I am MOST FAMILIAR WITH, dude who called that out), an iPhone that could download souls and... I think there was one other thing, but it's escaping me now. The guys are from the Jesters down at the Court Theatre in Christchurch (also always worth seeing, as if I need to pimp them to locals) and are incredibly talented - there were vast numbers of Shakespearean injokes/quotes in completely appropriate to their developing plot ways, a kickass slow-mo fight scene which made my muscles hurt just to watch, and basically all the usual sorts of hilarity you expect with improv. I really cannot do justice to it. A++ would see again. And they totally pwned the hecklers (drunk people, why do you exist? Or at least, why must you attend live shows?) - better than some international comedians I've seen. (Although of course I did spend some of the Ophelia scenes biting my tongue to not bust out Reduced Shakespeare lines.)

...and then I went home and basically hid from the world for all of Sunday because zomg oversocialised.

I had to run out right after work last night, too; going to blademistress's for catchup dinner and nerdery and much Wii. There was basically as much trash-talking and laughing hysterically as a) you would expect and b) there always is, and then we realised it was MIDNIGHT and all went "hoshit!" I totally lasted until about half two today before the "I went to bed after 1am and my cat woke me up throwing up at half FIVE" hit me and I got grumpy, so yay. (There is, however, some evidence that I choose to ignore of a correlation between days I get even less sleep and days I try to eat all the food ever. I find this possibility terribly distressing. Sleep is a boring waste of time, don't make me try to do more of it. DDD: )

Aaaaand now it is a three-day-weekend (! watch me waste half of it, hee.) Tomorrow I have Jo's birthday shenanigans (must get up early and make foods for the potluck), so I'll probably see y'all on Sunday/Monday.

friends, ridiculously social, rem, "fuck you in the ear!", emma, next up on the gay agenda, fangirls

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