(no subject)

May 26, 2009 21:34

I love my betas. For example, an actual comment I just found (Word was hiding stuff from me, or possibly I was being slow, I don't want to go into it. ;) ) - "THIS IS A VERY LONG SENTENCE. Just letting you know in case you, you know, felt like revising."

*sheepish giggle*

(No prizes for guessing who wrote said sentence. In that, you know, it was not Kat. Oddly enough. It's only 91 words! ...I made it three separate sentences. In case you were worried.)

And as the above implied, I'm still mostly ignoring the majority of the internet in the interests of panicky revising and editing and, um, adding entire new scenes why are we suddenly inspired and having ideas for plot-furthering sex (NO REALLY. shut up. don't judge me. ...there's also going to be hopefully one scene which doesn't advance the plot at all - which is why we left it till last and I realise that means it probably shouldn't be in there fullstop, but what the hell, BBB = self-indulgence and also Needs Moar Jon Walker, so.) and basically after two months of being freaked out by and horrimused by this fic whyyyyyy am I slightly in love with it again NOW? Like, FIVE DAYS BEFORE IT'S DUE. Stupid brain.

...brb writing furiously.

(Dear mixer of awesome; I'm pretty sure you read this, if you would like an updated text file just comment and I will email at you. Suspect BBB mods will not mind me saving them a smidgeon of work.)

* * *

Semi-relatedly, the radio announced this morning today is apparently International Bob Day. I am not joking. I cracked up rather a lot.

you forgot a 'doomed'

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