
Jun 07, 2009 14:37

1. You guys are all really, really awesome and I appreciate that more than I can say, truly. ♥ Thanks, guys.

2. I went out this afternoon and I got my hair cut (yay it is less awful! Also it was cheap.), and then I bought some vogel's bread, and then I got a coffee. And then I found five dollars. NO REALLY. \o/ Actually, I found an unfranked $5 stamp outside the (closed on Sundays) post office, and then I also found ten cents on the ground. Hooray me.

3. OMFG since when does MCR know the Cab?? I mean, okay, sure, six degrees of Pete-or-Gabe, but. That made me all o_O.

4. Relatedly, someone please stop me from sending a really irritated at reply to Pete Wentz asking that he smack EVERYONE ON HIS LABEL until they realise that "yea" very much is not the same word as "yeah", because it's kind of making me insane. ...yeah, I know, least appropriate person to ever request grammar smackdowns from, but well.

5. Possibly it should be a hint that I am maybe not all here emotionally right now that I just wound up in mortified tears for being stupid and not doing something. I mean, okay, I am never good at the whole "well, okay, that was stupid of me" and then moving on part (hint: the moving on part is where I fail), but... overreaction much, self? Ugh. Looking like a moron = my very least favourite thing. :/

6. I'm on my mother's computer right now because mine was being an ass last night (couldn't do anything on the net all day), so I started a virus scan and it's been 23 hours and it's STILL NOT DONE (hint: AVG, I am breaking the fuck up with you as soon as I get off my ass and get something better) and I can't get back online anyway until I restart the computer argh argh argh. I am not sure I am comfortable trying to add one more scene and do final edits on BBB on my mother's computer. :/

7. ...does it make me creepy if I'm pretty sure I recognise a gas station? OH THE VALLEY.

8. This probably goes without saying, but Neil + Amanda makes me all ♥.

9. I actually don't have anything else to say now so I think I'm going to go check on my actual computer again (this keyboard suuuuuuuuuucks) and then make myself settle the fuck down and WORK.

i fail at life

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