"Which one was our third album?" -- Karl

Jul 17, 2008 19:40

File this under mind-boggling: scrolling down my flist and then there are, like, random naked All Blacks. via popnography (and not morebliss, which is what i'd expect! ;) )

Basically, my afternoon consisted of me doing a lot of flailing about various things musical. Like Jon Toogood stating he would totally still play a show naked "if it was hot enough" (oh honey, people are so going to be taking that as a challenge. *snicker*), Karl and Tom giving the DJs on the Rock shit (seriously, they are my faaaaaaaaaaaaavourites), and then bribing myself to do some exercise with the cunning expedient of the Black Parade is Dead and oh my gooooooooooood I love all of their fucking faces good GOD. I watched the entire Mexico City show yesterday, and it was great (whoever decided on the close-up on Frank's fingers during the beginning of House of Wolves? THANK YOU I LOVE YOU. Oh my fucking GOD. It was an almost perfect replay of the moment I looked over at the Auckland show and saw him doing something that basically made me all "BABIES. BABIES EVERYWHERE!" because ngggggggggggh his HANDS. When he's all playing right up the neck of his guitar and like- *flails, has no words* And Ray Toro's EVERYTHING. And Bob and Mikey and Gerard, just- oh my god. But I actually don't have all that much to say about Mexico City (aside from being super happy to see the very visible fire extinguishers everywhere - no, I haven't imprinted on U2 a lot, or anything), mostly what I have to say right now is ahahahahaaa my god the whole box set was worth the price just to seee Gerard calling Bob a hippie in the Hoboken show. I nearly flailed myself off the treadmill. Also there was a lot of other stuff that made me shriek or bounce or just generally have a multitude of cartoon hearts orbiting my head in time with the bass drum, but I can't remember it right now. Gah, what an AMAZING show that looks to have been. I love them SO MUCH. And I could watch Bob Bryar drum for HOURS. (No, seriously. I could. Can I? Please?) And Mikey is so desperately adorable especially in the Jersey show that I just want to pet him. And Gerard keeping an eye on the crowd and being all happy and chatty and bouncy and just- yes. Aaaaaaaah I can't wait for the Shihad show on Saturday, I'm all psyched now.

And we just kind of broke the new blender making milkshakes - it couldn't manage ICE CREAM, even though I put way more milk in than I like to try and help it out - because it appears to have a fairly useless motor. Suspect that will be going back as soon as we find the receipt. Luckily, we still have Old Reliable (aka, the blender that is older than me and neither mum nor I wanted it retired, so we win by virtue of better technology? Or something?)

Oh, and I'm trying to get back into the habit of posting (because I have sucked a lot at that lately), and god knows it's the only way *I* remember what I was doing when - so apologies if and when it bores any of you guys silly, cos... tough luck (aaaand this sentence originally had an ending, I'm sure, but it's left me now). Anyway! So, in related news, Ange gave me a little stuffed whale when she was up last week, which is all cute and currently sitting on my (very messy) desk. I think I shall name him Petunia. Guess why. :D

We spent last weekend going to a hockey game over at the Avondale rink (so fun! yay! except now I am CONSUMED with bunnies I am incapable of doing justice to, damnit *fends them off with a zamboni*) and fighting with the hordes at Sylvia Park (shopping made me almost as homicidal as usual (no, really, feel bad for Ange) except I did get some very cute underwear for 50% off at Farmers, so hooray for that. Guitars! Elephants! Also they had hedgehogs but I figured that would possibly be an inappropriate type of gift for certain persons of whom they reminded me. Ahem. :D) So yes. I am updated in that respect! Now I just have... a million concerts and about six fannish meet-ups to cover. Awesome. :D

hockey, shihad, welcome to the dork parade, ange, nice pile of rocks

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