Jul 19, 2008 01:10
...guys. I think I'm finally hitting the downhill slide on the sequel. Oh, man. I've only been working on this for, uh, about three times longer than the original fic so far. *facepalm* It's only about eight thousand words, but I am SO CLOSE to being done with the draft that I can almost taste it. *twitch* Of course, I've also completely lost all perspective on it, so... eek. Hooray betas, right? (And having said that, if I can knuckle down and bring this thing in tonight - although omg it's 1am already ahahahaa OOPS - I think I'll be making puppydog eyes at a few of you to help me out, if that would be okay?) Ahahahaa, omg, Bob might actually FINALLY get some! At last, the cycle is broken! Or something. *facepalms more*
Right. Writing. Totally writing. *makes self close semagic and go back to notepad*
ETA: Okay, why are there just no not-crappy words for some body parts? Everything just sounds too scientifc, or has poor connotations, or too much like avoidant purple prose. FAIL, ENGLISH LANGUAGE. *pouts*
[don't] panic,
welcome to the dork parade,
you forgot a 'doomed'