owls Hermione. (12/7) Roger and Hermione
discuss business. (12/8) Roger and Hermione
work on copying manuscripts over breakfast. (12/14) Roger and Hermione
take a ride. (12/18)
Christmas dinner for Hermione, Harry, Ron, Percy, Cedric, Roger, and Kingsley. (12/22) Gilderoy
hosts a Christmas Eve party. Guests include: Avery, Cedric, Blaise, Ginny, Hermione, Justin, Millicent, Roger, Romilda, Septima, and Terry. Roger and Hermione
work on motorbikes and take a drive. Roger and Hermione
celebrate New Year's Eve. (12/31)
builds a counter for Hermione and sees his new house. (1/5) Roger
owls Hannah, Jack and Hermione. (1/6) Roger and Hermione do some painting. Roger
runs into Hermione. Hermione stops by Roger's to
pick up Crookshanks. (1/20) Cedric
does some reading and is soon joined by Hermione and Roger. Roger
takes Hermione out for a day without work. (1/27) Roger and Hermione
go out for dinner. (1/31)
Hermione and Roger
go book shopping. (2/3) Roger
stops by the book shop to see Hermione. The
Grand Opening of Bookworm (attended by Hermione, Ron, Bill, Blaise, Charlie, Eleanor, Ernie, George, Gilderoy, Ginny, Harry, Slughorn, Pince, Katie, Lavender, Lee, Lisa, Luna, Morag, Tonks, Percy, Remus, Roger, Rose, Seamus, Stephen, Viktor and Wilhelmina). Hermione and Roger
go out on a date. (2/10) Roger and Hermione
spend Valentine's together. After finding Cedric injured & taking him to the clinic, Hermione goes
to see Roger, and they go shopping. Roger
makes dinner for Hermione.
birthday party, where Hermione speaks to Harry, Viktor, Roger, Lavender, Blaise, and Percy. (3/2) Roger
shows her his new shop. Hermione
attends Cedric's feast, where she talks with Ron, Roger, and Cedric. The triangle finally ends. (3/4) Hermione goes
to see Roger and find out if he wants to date her. (3/5) Roger & Hermione
take a poetry walk in London. (3/7) Roger & Hermione
have dinner with Viktor & Maire. (3/9) Hermione and Roger
do some exploring, hoping they don't get lost. (3/11) Roger and Hermione
have a quiet dinner at home. (3/14) Hermione & Roger
attend Slughorn's party where they speak with Blaise. Hermione and Roger
duck out of Slughorn's party a bit early. (3/17) Roger
shows Hermione around the shop before dinner. (3/21) Waking from a nightmare
Hermione checks on Roger. Blaise enlists Hermione, Roger and Terry's help
in choosing a cat. After visiting the shelter,
Hermione and Roger check up on Zuzu. (3/25) Roger
goes to see Hermione at the Bookworm. Eleanor
assists Roger in kidnapping Hermione. (3/29)
Easter dinner at 33 Alpha Lane for Hermione, Ron, Harry, Roger, Viktor, Neville and Lavender. (4/8) Roger and Hermione
spend the evening together. Hermione and Roger
spend the day in London. (4/15) Dean
paints Hermione while Roger looks on. (4/16) Hermione and Roger
go exploring in Espana. (4/20) Hermione and Roger
explore Barcelona. (4/21) Hermione and Roger
decide to have dinner in. (4/25)