It seems April is starting out a hard month... they do say that showers in April are needed for the rest of Spring to be beautiful, but let's hope who ever 'they' are, they're right.
“April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain.” - TS Eliot ♥
April 1, 2005: Adrian receives
a note from Ginny explaining (or not) her absense. He decides to stop staying at the house on the hill while she's gone.
April 2, 2005: Flint leaves
a note gummed to Adrian's door at Copper Towers. He gets it when he moves back from the house on the hill. Upon moving back,
Adrian writes Flint to get a pint sometime soon, writes Penny to call off the search for the Sanders, and writes Ang Johnson to see about their possibly quidditch match. He's slowly but surely picking up smoking more often. Later that night, while working on charming objects in his flat,
Adrian gets a reply from Ginny making him think maybe they're coming to an end before they've really had a chance to begin. He writes back, asking to make it up to her.
April 3, 2005:
Adrian shows up at Ginny's house intent on making things up to her. The misundestanding is explained, as is her absense.
April 6, 2005: After having made up a few days before, Adrian is staying at the house on the hill again and upon
waking up and finding out Gin has the day off for the holiday... well... morning sex ensues...
April 9, 2005: Adrian spends his morning
visiting Angelina, refusing to admit he was worried during her absence; and decides to see about getting a custom broom for Ginny. Roger Davies comes in and Adrian recognizes him from their days on the pitch - the three catch up.
Later that evening (after writing Prof. Slughorn on potions business), Adrian cooks a candle lit dinner for Ginny and the two enjoy an evening broom flight.
April 10, 2005: Adrian spends a day getting lost in his father's old library
at the Pucey Estate.
April 11, 2005: Angelina Johnson
owls Adrian about the broom he's having designed for Ginny.
April 13, 2005: Adrian stops into the house on the hill to see
Ginny visiting with Lee Jordan - he recognizes the bloke but doesn't stay long.
April 28, 2005: Adrian gets
an owl from Angelina, inviting him on a flight and doing more business on Gin's broom.
April 30, 2005: Ginny has an early day off from school and the two
spend the afternoon together; Adrian gets her measurements for the broom. [in progress]
Coming up? Adrian's going to visit his family this weekend, as I'll be out of a town and unreachable. Hopefully he and Angie will be getting together for a flight out of town soon, and he wants to have Ginny's gift ready for her as well. Any plotting/suggestions are welcome!