For my silly muggle's reference.
December of 2004:
Adrian starts cleaning up the messes he's created in the aftermath of the bad news from his father. He
owls Ginny, Marcus, and Tracey on December 3rd, 2004. Later in the day, Adrian
accepts Tracey's invitation to Violet's tea party, meets Millicent Bulstrode for the first time since their days at Hogwart's.
December 7th, 2004 - During the
fire alarm at Copper Towers, Adrian gets to know Tracey and Violet a bit better and forgets that he forgot to get dressed in all the commotion.
Adrian attempts, badly at that, to get into the Christmas spirit. It doesn't go too well and
he meets the beautiful and kind Fleur Delacour for the first time since her stint as a Champion. December 14th, 2004.
After a December 17th 2004 lunch discussion with Ginny, who's helped Adrian through his hard time, Alicia gets a bit worried and
owl's him, asking to catch up. They decide to
meet up at the Five Alarm, and do so on December 21st, 2004.
On December 18th, 2004, Adrian decides to finally keep his word and
do some work on behalf of the hospital. He meets Healer Ginny Weasley there and they get started on paperwork and the like.
December 23rd, 2004 - now deep into the holiday season,
Alicia sends Adrian an owl along with a lovely gift of rare potions ingredients. He, however, has all ready left for St. Thomas and some good news from his family (in the way of a little neice or nephew on the way from his sister, Sara, and brother-in-law, Bill) and doesn't return until almost the New Year.
Back from St. Thomas and needing to decompress from his family - especially after having not spoken to his father one whit - Adrian heads to the Five Alarm to 'celebrate' the new coming year with a few drinks on December 31st, 2004. He
runs into his neighbor Tracey and the two get to know each other without screaming children running about. The new year might be a better one for Adrian after all...