November 2006

Nov 28, 2006 14:15

For our (Pucey and my Muggle here) reference:

Remember, Remember the MONTH of November:

Adrian's Debut: November 9th, 2004. Adrian OWLs Flint from his family estate just north of London.

November 10th, 2004. Adrian and Flint meet up at the estate and plan the next move. Adrian thinks about his family and what to do with the house (decides, on Marcus' advice, not to sell).

November 12th, 2004. The boys are back in town. Fun ensues with Alicia Spinnet, Dean Thomas, and Seamus Finnigan at the Five Alarm.

November 15th, 2004. He OWLs Flint and Spinnet. Adrian joins Marcus and his friend Hestia Jones for dinner at the Five Alarm. Much flirtage with Alicia ensues, and Romilda tries to turn up the competition as their waitress.

November 16th, 2004. Adrian runs into an awkward moment with Marcus and his new neighbor Tracey Davis (he also meets Violet, Tracey's daughter, for the first time). Later that afternoon, he puts together his flat (finally) and has visits from Alicia, Oliver Wood, and Marcus again.

November 18th, 2004. Pucey runs into Alicia Spinnet and George Weasley at the informal quidditch match that Wood has set up. Half of Stoatshead is there, it seems.

November 21st, 2004. Adrian seems to have hurt himself on a free flight during the matches, and goes to the hospital to have his ankle checked out. His Healer is Ginny Weasley. She seems open minded enough even though he's a Slytherin and he invites her to dinner. The two seem to be on the way to being friends.

November 27th, 2004. Adrian gets some devestating news from his father, decides that wasting away in bed is his best course of action, of course.

November 28th, 2004. Adrian receives an owl from Ginny and a book she sent him. Worried about him, Ginny shows up at his flat.

[Written November 27th] This first month has been a bit hard what with NaNoWriMo owning my Muggle and all, but things should be looking up coming into December. Also, I'm not aware of this yet, but my Muggle has something brewing in the way of bad news for me from the family back in St. Thomas - if anyone would like to plot for shoulder-crying or lots of whiskey-drinking, feel free to leave a note for my Muggle here, I'll be sure she gets the correspondence.

[Written November 28th] Thank you so much for everyones suggestions for my poor boy's grieving! That post was so hard to write and I'm excited for Nano to end to so I can get more involved here :)

2004 november, recap, 2004

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