"They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." -Warhol

Feb 28, 2007 11:06

Adrian's been a busier boy these days...

1/4/2005: Adi gets a quick note from Gin about her research.

1/5/2005: Adrian, after some thought, responds to Penny's legal posting, writes to Ginny & Tracey about very different dinner possibilities, sends an overdue OWL to an old friend.

1/11/2005: Adrian and Tracey have their dinner date and well... they certainly seem to like each other a lot.

1/12/2005: Ginny has Adrian over for dinner.

1/17/2005: Tracey owls letting Adi know that she'll be in Nice for a bit for family matters.

1/22/2005: Adrian stops by Angelina Johnson's shop to have his broom repaired and ends up catching up while they arrange for a new custom broom for him as well.

1/31/2005: Ang owls letting Adrian know his new broom and his reparis on his old are finished and he can pick them up anytime. A time for the pickup is arranged.

2/2/2005: Adrian picks up his broom from Ang's shop and the two decide to have a friendly quidditch match sometime soon and to meet for tea to finish catching up at some point.

2/5/2005: Adi heads to the Fave Alarm for a pint at the end of the day and runs into his old house mate Greg Goyle, new in town, as well as meets Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank and Marietta Edgecombe (whom he takes a liking too).

2/6/2005: Adrian contacts Ginny re: potions; Hermione re: old books; and Penny re: his search for Morgan's family.

2/13/2005: Adi owls Penny Clearwater about the search for Morgan's family. Marietta owls Adi to say hello again and the two make the date for the 14th.

2/14/2005: Adi and Marietta go to dinner for Valentines (incomplete).

2/16/2005: Penny begins the search for the Sanders' by looking for Stephen (Morgan's older brother) in Portland, Maine.

2/25/2007: Ginny owls Adrian to catch up and invites him for dinner at her house.

2/27/2005: Adrian catchs sight of the signs Lupin's posted around town on his way to the hospital for the day. He decides it might be worth it to owl his old DADA Professor about possible openings. And hey, if nothing else, he's helping to restock the hospital and such, might as well help the school out too. The dinner at Ginny's has Adrian quite excited to catch up with his friend, it's been far too long.

To be continued as the month goes on... of course (and click here for all of Adrian's memories in the game).

Coming Soon... "The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is." -CS Lewis...

...It seems Adrian will be having some dealings with a new local Death Eater, hopefully he'll be able to get in touch with the Sanders' soon (thanks to Pen's awesome work with Muggle technologies like the... internet?!?), and he's going to be contacting Hermione about donation to the Bookworm and/or library on behalf of the Puceys, though he'll probably make all the donations in Morgan's name (awww...). Also, hopefully Adi will be spending more time with potions and at the hospital, plus he'll be owl-ing Lupin to see about the School openings. Can't wait - things are going to get busy for our dear Adi!

2005 february, 2005, recap, 2005 january

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