I forgot...

May 08, 2006 11:07

about Ryan's delightful little trick on me at work last week. We were doing closing duties and I went into the back room for something or other. I wasn't paying attention when I came back out, but when we were getting ready to leave I picked up my book to stick it in my purse and discovered he had shrink-wrapped my book. It's a shame I wasn't finished it yet, as it's a borrowed book and I'd have given it back with the wrapping still on *waves in Mary Ann's direction*

Ryan also talked about getting into LJ. That would make multiple workmates on LJ. Ryan, you here yet?

Ordered pizza from work the other night to take home for supper. Called Andy to see if he would still be up and want some as well. He poked fun at me for ordering from Pizza Pizza, asking if I was going to keep using them until they finally got an order right. I laughed and went ahead with my Pizza Pizza order. Lo and behold, they got the order right! And, to put icing on the cake, they delivered it late. Free pizza! Yay!

Hockey. Yes. *sigh* My team is out. Toasted by Buffalo in game 6. Really toasted. Embarrassingly beaten. Ah well, Nyssa was happy because she wanted her team to play Buffalo. Still happy, Nyssa, even after that first game?

Much easier work week this week. And I will revel in it, as there good weather anticipated. I might even set out in search of a haircut this week. Hair is looking far too long and scraggly, though it does tie up nicely in a ponytail, which it won't do as well if I cut it. I need to dye it, too, as there is lots of icky grey showing. And it's much to long to dye easily at the moment. Might even consider a slight change of colour this time. Something a little less bright on the red side, perhaps a little more brown. We'll see how experitmental I'm feeling when I'm standing in the drugstore in front of all the boxes, pondering my choices. :)

work, random observations, hockey, friends

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