
May 05, 2006 08:17

I have a few new friends, thanks to the latest LJ friending frenzy. Whee! New friends!

I am up waaaaaayyyy too early on a day off. Blame the cats. Okay, just blame one. It's all Purr C.'s fault for sitting his fat ass on the fax machine at 6:45 and making it go 'beep beep beep'. Had to unplug the machine, as removing his fat ass just made him wander the living room briefly before parking himself back on the fax. Silly kitty.

Today will be spent on the couch watching movies, I think. Perhaps a brief tidying of the living room. Perhaps not. Maybe a quick scrub of the bathroom. Maybe not. Though the floor in the there could stand a thorough cleaning. I think dust bunnies are cavorting in the corner. But, there is a fairly large pile of movies calling my name, so it's not like the house will get too much attention today.

Andy is off to Algonquin college to, as he puts it, 'hand them money so they'll save him a seat'. Yeah, he's registering for his course for this fall. It may be very weird actually seeing each other more often. Right now we just get a couple hours in the evenings, when I'm not working nights, and whatever weekend days we both have off. He's off to camp soon, too. Likely mid-June, same as always.

His being off to camp means that I have the house to myself. This means that if anyone is traveling the vicinity and wants to stop by, I'll have space to put you up. Except, of course, for the time I'll be away for Lumos. Knock all you want then, but no one will answer the door and Nyssa may well call the police about strange people on the doorstep. :) Other than that, if you'll be near or in Ottawa and want a dust bunny infested place to stay that's over-run with lazy cats and a multiplying pile of obscure DVDs, this is the place for you.

family, cats, lazing about, friends

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