Leverage--The King George Job (spoilers)

Aug 29, 2010 22:12

First of all, Eliot in a pilot uniform... thank you show. &hearts

We learned a bit (but not too much) about Sophie. But for me, even better than backstory, was seeing Sophie get her grifter groove on--she was in her element.

I enjoyed her interaction with Nate. It was subdued and it served as a reminder that there are still so many trust issues between them.

There were some great character interaction moments overall. Hardison's "I hacked history" and the bemused reactions of Parker and Eliot made me giggle. Eliot and Hardison continue to make me LOL with their banter.

Speaking of character interaction, I loved the bit where Keller's goon started to beat up on Nate, and Eliot immediately wanted to rush to his rescue.

I loved the bit where Sophie was explaining the statue and "the kids" all passed it around. And Parker, dear Parker. "Can I taste it?" And Sophie's "Yes, you should." :D Their interaction is just lovely. Sophie not only gave her permission to taste the statue, she also encouraged her to do so.

Eliot trying to stall Keller's men was hilarious, as was auctioneer!Parker. Eliot's fight scene was kickass, as usual. I think he was so happy to cut loose after stalling and playing the "aw shucks" role all afternoon.

And OMG. Eliot with the little girl was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO adorable. Just when you think he can't get any hotter, they give him a warm and fuzzy scene. I love how the kid's face lit up, and she ran to him. And I love that he was so good with her.

This is a definite rewatch.

tv: leverage

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