First day back, PhD, writing

Aug 30, 2010 21:07

I am exhausted. The first couple of days of a new semester are always tiring, but the fatigue is especially irritating, because I have stuff I need to get done. Also, I went all the way to the store to do some clothes shopping and buy a USB drive. Got the clothes, forgot the drive. That means I'll have to drag myself to the store after work tomorrow evening and get a drive, so I can save my PowerPoints for class. I just realized I work at a university. We have USB drives there. *facepalm*

The first day went pretty well. It was syllabus day (as tomorrow will be), so there wasn't really much to do. I have a lot of students I've had before, so I guess that's a good sign. They nodded in the right places during my intro and laughed at my stupid jokes, lol.

I think I might use my long Tuesday breaks to study for the GRE. I did well on it the first time, but I am nervous about retaking it. I want to try and take it by November, so I have plenty of time to send it out to colleges and relax before I start sending out statements of purpose. I'm meeting with my former adviser and current colleague later this semester to discuss my choices and figure out what to do for the statement of purpose this time. I'm a different person than I was five--six years ago, so I need to reflect that.

I'm sketching out an Eliot/Kaye Lynn story. I've been wanting to do a followup to "The Studio Job" since it aired, but I think I just finally got a feel for what I want to accomplish in the story. I also have four other fics partially written--all Leverage. One of them is an Eliot/Hardison I'm writing as a gift for someone. I'm hoping that will go up tonight. One is for a land comm challenge, so I can't discuss it. The other two are Eliot-centric--one gen and one Nate/Eliot. I also have an idea for a Chris/Steve fic, but I'm still a little uncertain about how well I can capture Steve's voice. If anyone has links to vids where Steve is talking, I would appreciate it if you would share them. I'm pretty good at replicating voice, but I need to hear more of it.

writing, rl: eek what now?, rl: teaching, rl: phd

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