Fandom Roundup

Nov 24, 2007 13:42

Okay, since we're midway through the new season, I've decided to do a fandom roundup posts to kind of sum up my current TV fandoms. Now, I'm only including those shows where I actively participate in some kind of fandom activity (discussion, fic, etc.).

What I Like So Much About This Fandom: I like the general concept of people being abducted and returned with abilities. Also, I'm liking the whole "4400 as religion" angle.
Favorite Character: My favorites are Agent Garrity, Tom Baldwin, and Marco the computer geek. And Kevin, just because he's played by Jeffrey Combs.
Least Favorite Character: Probably Isabelle, because she reminds me too much of the rapidly aging and powerful Elizabeth in V.
Ships: I don't have any ships yet. Too soon.
Characters Who Need a Ship: Is Garrity married? Even if he is, he needs a ship. Maybe he and Tom could have a drunken fling.
A Favorite Scene: I kind of like the scene in (I think) "Wake-Up Call" where Jeffrey Combs' character (who hasn't spoke in 6 years) is cured of his mental illness and suddenly starts to talk.
Show Gripes: The uncertainty about whether the show is coming back, and the lack of promotion.
Fandom Gripes: The whole Shawn/Kyle ship. They're cousins, and that's just icky.
Questions I Want Answered: How does Garrity cope with suddenly having abilities? Does Tom take the shot? Does Collier maintain control of Seattle? Can Maia be more creepy?
What This Show Needs: If the show isn't coming back, it at least needs a movie to wrap up some of the major plot points. They gave us such a provocative ending to Season 4, and I need to see how it all plays out.

What I Like So Much About This Fandom: I love the whole idea of a group of people profiling criminals. I'm fascinated with psychology, and I like procedurals, so this is a great mix. It's also got a fantastic cast.
Favorite Character: Hotch, Garcia, and Reid
Least Favorite Character: Hotch's boss. She's too "Conrad Ecklie" for my tastes.
Ships: I'm willing to consider Garcia/Kevin the computer geek.
Characters Who Need a Ship: I'm going to say Hotch. Even though he's married, he needs something to shake up his character.
A Favorite Scene: I like the downtime scenes, like the one where they were all in the bar together.
Show Gripes: Reid's missing drug problem. It bugs me when writers conveniently forget a major plot point. They need to resolve it.
Fandom Gripes: None!
Questions I Want Answered: I want to know what's going on with Reid's drug problem.
What This Show Needs: It needs to resolve Reid's drug problem.

What I Like So Much About This Fandom: I love the cast, the setting, and I just like procedurals.
Favorite Character: Nick!
Least Favorite Character: Right now, it's Hodges. He's worn thin.
Ships: Nick/Greg and Nick/Warrick
Characters Who Need a Ship: Archie!
A Favorite Scene: Oh, so many. How about the scene in "Grave Danger" where Nick first realizes he's actually buried alive?
Show Gripes: The show's fascination with putting romance into the show. It. Doesn't. Need. It.
Fandom Gripes: The way some people tend to lose perspective when it comes to shipping.
Questions I Want Answered: What happened to Nigel Crane?
What This Show Needs: They need to stop jerking us around with all the "cast member is in mortal danger" cliffhangers. Try something new. We're not falling for it.

What I Like So Much About This Fandom: I like the cast, and I like procedurals.
Favorite Character: Don Flack
Least Favorite Character: Lindsay, because I don't connect with her
Ships: Danny/Flack
Characters Who Need a Ship: Adam
A Favorite Scene: I still like the scene where Flack, Stella, and Aidan were walking into a building that was supposed to be haunted. When Flack hesitated, Aidan asked if he wanted to hold her hand.
Show Gripes: I can't think of any major ones right now.
Fandom Gripes: The shippers from this fandom seem less obsessive, so I have no gripes.
Questions I Want Answered: I want to know more about Flack's background.
What This Show Needs: More Flack!!

What I Like So Much About This Fandom: I'm a comic geek. Give a bunch of people superpowers, and I'm watching.
Favorite Character: Matt Parkman and Nathan Petrelli
Least Favorite Character: Elle. I can't stand bratty characters.
Ships: Matt/Mohinder
Characters Who Need a Ship: Nathan
A Favorite Scene: I still like the scene where Peter jumped off the building to prove he could fly and Nathan flew up to catch him. What a great moment!!
Show Gripes: I'm not liking the whole Peter and Sylar are mega-powerful thing. That's just painting the characters into a corner.
Fandom Gripes: The fandom-wide obsession with Nathan/Peter slash.
Questions I Want Answered: What is the Haitian's name? How did Matt and Mohinder come to live together?
What This Show Needs: The show needs to pare down the powers of Peter and Sylar. Give them some limits, for crying out loud. Ultra-powerful characters are boring. It also needs to let Matt and Nathan work together more often. They're hilarious.

What I Like So Much About This Fandom: Hot male vampires. Any questions?
Favorite Character: I like Mick, of course, but I just love Josef.
Least Favorite Character: Mick's ex.
Ships: Mick/Josef
Characters Who Need a Ship: There aren't that many characters...
A Favorite Scene: The 1980s scene with Mick and Josef at the party
Show Gripes: The Mick/Beth romance
Fandom Gripes: None.
Questions I Want Answered: How did Mick's ex become human?
What This Show Needs: The show needs more Mick/Josef scenes. And more shirtless scenes.

What I Like So Much About This Fandom: I love sci-fi in general, but the Stargate franchise is just so amazing. It has that wonderful combination of science, philosophical questions, mythology, and characterization.
Favorite Character: Lt. Colonel John Sheppard and Major Evan Lorne
Least Favorite Character: Kavanaugh
Ships: John/Teyla, John/Rodney
Characters Who Need a Ship: Major Lorne!
A Favorite Scene: This one:

Neera: The Wraith will not allow us to escape.

Sheppard: Yeah, well, I try not to let them tell me what I can and can't do.

Neera: You do not fear them?

Sheppard: The Wraith? Naah. Now clowns . . . that's another story. Scare the crap out of me.

Neera: You have fought the Wraith before?

Sheppard: Lots of times. Won some battles, lost some. War's not over by a long shot, but we're managing to hold our own.

Neera: And the clowns?

Sheppard: The clowns? Oh, yeah, the clowns . . . we fight them too. Entire armies, spilling out of Volkswagens. We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending 'em in.
Show Gripes: Carson Beckett was killed by an exploding tumor. WTF?!
Fandom Gripes: None. SGA is a good fandom.
Questions I Want Answered: What happened to Teyla's people? I also want to know more about the characters' backgrounds.
What This Show Needs: They need to keep doing what they're doing.

What I Like So Much About This Fandom: I love sci-fi in general, but the Stargate franchise is just so amazing. It has that wonderful combination of science, philosophical questions, mythology, and characterization.
Favorite Character: Daniel Jackson, Cam Mitchell, Sam Carter, Jack O'Neill, Teal'c
Least Favorite Character: I like the whole cast.
Ships: Daniel/Sam, Jack/Sara
Characters Who Need a Ship: Mitchell needs a good one. I know they wanted to pair him with Dr. Lam, but I just never got into them.
A Favorite Scene: Oh, how can I pick? How about the hug in "Need?"
Show Gripes: That they had to kill off certain characters. (I don't want to say who, because a couple of people on my flist are still catching up.)
Fandom Gripes: Sometimes, the Jack/Sam shippers go overboard with their enthusiasm.
Questions I Want Answered: How the heck are the Furlings?
What This Show Needs: They need to address the Furlings, for one thing. That would make an excellent movie!

tv: csi: new york, memes: fandom, tv: moonlight, tv: stargate: sg-1, tv: heroes, tv: criminal minds, tv: csi, tv: stargate: atlantis, tv: the 4400

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