Friday TV!!!

Nov 23, 2007 21:30

Well, I've caught up on my Stargate: Atlantis!! I finally managed to find the two episodes I missed online, so I watched "Missing" yesterday and "The Seer" today. It's a bummer that the new episode isn't on until next week, but I'm really pumped for it.

Since it's Friday, and I'm not sharing a television with family, I got to watch Ghost Whisperer! I'm watching Moonlight right now.

I'm far too tired to make lengthy posts about all four shows, but I'll post some brief comments:

I've been whining that Teyla hasn't had enough to do lately, but this episode delivered! I was starting to wonder if they'd dropped the plans to have Teyla be pregnant. I'm tentatively okay with it, since it means Teyla will take some spotlight.

I wasn't sure I'd like Dr. Keller, but I found myself sympathizing with her. Granted, she did annoy me in some places, but overall, the actress makes her endearing.

First of all, can we get some character development for Woolsey? If the writers insist on using the character (which is fine, because I love Robert Picardo), they need to move him beyond the place he's been in since his first appearance on SG-1. His part in this episode was predictable, because he does what he always does--he makes a busybody of himself and complains about every decision the team members make, and then he grudgingly starts to respect the person he was complaining about.

Anyway, Sam got a little spotlight this episode, and it was welcome. I'm sure her vision will turn out to be a fake out or something.

So are we to assume that the Wraith guy is still bunking at Atlantis?

Pretty good episode. I've missed several episodes, so I'm a little behind on the whole "ghosts living under the city" storyline.

Can you say "toxic relationship?" Again, I'm a little behind, since I've missed some episodes, but I so don't like Mick's ex. Yes, Mick. It's exactly what we think. If Beth hadn't shown up, you most certainly would have gone there. For crying out loud, man. She turned you into a vampire and kidnapped a small child to make you love her. You could be on an episode of Jerry Springer.

I'm not sure how much I like Beth, either, though. I just can't connect with her. They couldn't have given Mick a better love interest?

Oh wait. They did...Josef. :D That's a man I could connect with. I was disappointed that we didn't get to see any interaction between Mick and Josef, but in my slash-colored mind, I could still see the chemistry between them as Josef told Beth the story.

And how hot was it when Josef snapped his fingers and made everyone vacate the room.

Dude. I Am Legend is a movie now?!

tv: ghost whisperer, tv: stargate: atlantis, tv: moonlight

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