Rantcomm: 1x12

Mar 27, 2007 21:10

Next rantcomm.

How are our two lads looking today?

"My other car is a: Brad Sherwood!"

"Honk if you're horny: Ryan Stiles!"

Let's Make A Date, YAYZ!
Ryan looks utterly bemused by his suggestion and has to re-read it. Looking ahead to what it is, I can't blame him.
Wayne does that creepy fat lip thing before he begins, which should be too gross to be be funny, but it is totally hilarious!
Brad is a GAME SHOW PRIZE ANNOUNCER. Brad's voice is all sexy and smooth..mmm...
Wayne has obviously already figured it out, so we move on to Colin who is THE WORLD'S BIGGEST GLUTTON. I dunno, I just don't find this especially funny. Not much scope, I guess.
Anyway, Ryan is a TALKING CHICKEN HAVING TROUBLE LAYING AN EGG - Ryan makes the most adorable chicken noise! You have to hear it, really, but he says in a chicken accent, "Could you repeat the questioooooooon?", then Colin unintentionally ruins his quirk by yanking two eggs out of his...region...and eating them.
Back to Brad's sexy, smooth voice, and he's even got a catchphrase - "Back to you, gorgeousss..!". All you Brad fans out there, just close your eyes and imagine he's talking to you. Seriously. Gives me a high every time.
Colin finally makes the quirk funny! He rips Ryan's leg off...figuratively, of course...and eats it up. Ryan hops around while Brad tries desperately not to laugh. Then Colin rips Ryan's wing off and eats that. Ryan is left flailing on the floor, which is one of the funniest things I've seen! I tried to take a cap, but the still image really didn't do it justice.
Wayne guesses Brad's easily, but thinks Colin is a circus freak who eats everything. Drew (very kindly) points out that Colin is a circus freak, but in the game he's a glutton. Ryan - still on the floor - makes the chicken noise one more time before Wayne guesses "He's...he's, he's a bird...". I'm sure Ryan gave enough hints that he was a chicken, rather than just 'a bird'. Ah well.

Duet for Brad and Wayne now. Drew picks Dana who is a dental hygienest. I honestly don't know if I spelt her name or her profession right. I'm really sorry if I didn't!
I got a bit distracted by the fact that the song was at the exact same tempo as the music I'm playing on iTunes, so it looked like they were dancing to Cascada. Heh. Amused me.
Anyways, Ryan is staring at Brad almost the whole time, apart from when Wayne says "Open your mouth/Here comes my big drill".

Newsflash for Ryan, Brad and Colin. Ryan and Brad sit next to each other this entire game! YAY!

They're talking about Ryan getting highlights, by the way.
Anyways, Colin is in front of some UNBELIEVABLY cute monkeys! No, not Brad clones. Actual monkeys.
Brad shoves Colin right in the deep end by telling him to be very descriptive of what is behind him, and asking for their official name. Colin responds that "It all started with some nude pictures of Dr. Ruth on the internet" and that he only knows the latin name, "Pookalacas Mollacus".
One hint from Ryan, and Colin's got it.

Film, TV and Theatre Styles. I'm very pleased to see it's Ryan and Wayne for once. Ryan/Wayne is my guilty little pleasure.
Wayne is the Birdman of Alcatraz, so he gets to make cute birdie noises! Ryan is a warden, so he gets to make...gun-cocking noises.
They continue in the styles Western, Shakespeare, Sumo wrestling (which leads to a nice long hug between the two of them!), and Porno (which leads to some nice innuendo!).

Telethon, the game dubbed by Drew as a game"...we don't see very often". Yeah, no dice - first time it's played, and we'll only see it twice again. :(
This telethon is for NBA players. Being British, this stirs up absolutely no emotion for me, but the audience seems to be pleased. Some great lines from Ryan ("Do you know how much it costs to make one size 18 shoe? $350, and that's just for one shoe, ladies and gentlemen, one shoe! Most of these players wear two!"), then we go to Brad and Wayne who sing a little ditty about NBA players. I love that the editors put really long fades between cuts, just like one of those stupid anthem songs.
I should have watched enough Whose Line to know who Brad and Wayne were impersonating by now. If anyone would like to help me out..?
I know Wayne's second one is Michael Jackson, and Brad's fourth one is the B-52s (WOOHOO!). That's all I got.

Actually, this one ain't so bad! Because the subject is 'going bald'. Everyone looks straight at Colin. Bless him, he's such a good sport.
Brad's hoedown is...well, it's one of the smoothest and funniest in the history of Whose Line. It makes the audience scream with laughter before he's even finished, it makes Colin seethe, and it makes Brad make this face:

Brad's taken Drew's rhyme, so he has to come up with another, which somehow is almost equally as funny. Colin gets them both back.

Colin: "People always kid me 'cos I'm losing all my hair/I can't really help it that I'm follicly impaired/It really is quite horrible by my life is not through/I still get WAY more sex than either Brad or Drew!"

He looks justifiably pleased with himself! Ryan steers clear of the making-fun-of-Colin path, thankfully.
Wow. An enjoyable hoedown. I never thought I'd see the day...

During the credits, Ryan and Brad shake hands, then they both shake hands with Wayne, although Ryan looks at Brad while he's doing it. Then they both disappear off camera and my mind is left to wander into dangerous, dirty territory. Drew and Colin look over at them, and their expressions just confirm what I'm thinking...

Overall, a not very Brad/Ryan-y episode :(
Ah well.
Still a very good episode.

Next installment is 1x14(114).
Might do it now, actually. This one didn't satisfy me very much.

P.S. The rotation and first chapter for the fic challenge will be uploaded on Friday! Eyes peeled, people!


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